Welcome to the Newest Update to “Heavens Beauty – Wisdom of Jesus”

John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Devotionals and Helps (106)

I have separated the Categories into parts, and their contents as the Main Sitemap was to large and to long. It is hard to Navigate, so I did it this way to help you find what Subject/Topic you wish to see. I am trying to get everything moved over into WordPress from Html, and due to Adobe stopped supporting flash, the menus no-longer work. So, I had no choice in doing it this way. Thank You and May God Bless You and Your Family Always and Forever!

  1. 4 Ways to get Fired Up For God
  2. 6 Elements of Prayer NEW
  3. 6 Requirements To Escape God’s Wrath
  4. 7 Things The Messiah Suffered of God
  5. 8 Things For You To Be Prepared For
  6. 10 Facts Of God
  7. 15 More Facts About God
  8. 15 Reasons Why All Should Work
  9. 16 Things Done To The Messiah
  10. 30 Declarations of The Existence Of God
  11. 99 Ways of A Back Slider
  12. A Heart Of IdolsScott Stanley  NEW
  13. Adam Disobeyed God
  14. Accommodate Our Family and Friends
  15. Aglow With The Glory Of God
  16. Always Being Thankful
  17. Are Your Praying Fervently
  18. Are You Aware of Your Purpose NEW
  19. Are You Sure of Your Purpose
  20. Availability –– With The Ability
  21. Covenants –– Are You Keeping Them
  22. Deception Being Defeated
  23. Devotional Binding Satan
  24. Discipline and Impulse
  25. Discouraged –– Shake It Off
  26. Don’t Look Down Look Up
  27. Everyone Has Weaknesses
  28. Faith, Commitment, and Comfort
  29. Fathers Wise Advice
  30. Get Help From The Book of Psalm
  31. God & Your Relationship NEW
  32. God’s Answer Concerning Marital Problems
  33. God’s Armor For Us
  34. God Brings Us Out and Takes Us In
  35. God Gave Joseph Dreams
  36. God’s Gives Us Authority
  37. God Is a God Of Purpose
  38. God Is The God of Hearts
  39. God Is With You—Hang On
  40. God Leaves Kindness On Purpose
  41. God’s Love For You
  42. God Never Forgets NEW
  43. God Wants To Bless You
  44. God Wants To WOW You NEW
  45. God Wants You To Enjoy Your Life
  46. God’s Will How Can We Know
  47. God’s Word On Money
  48. God’s Word On God’s Will
  49. God’s Word On Love…. What is It
  50. Gods Responsibilities Given By Him
  51. Having A Pure Heart and Powerful Being
  52. How Did You Feel
  53. How Much Do You Think Of God
  54. Importance of a Right Heart
  55. I Thought, I Think , I Want
  56. It’s God’s Voice Are You Listening
  57. It’s Not Over Yet
  58. Is God Your Rock, Or You In The Sand
  59. Is It Raining In Your Life of Worship NEW
  60. This How I used to Think ALL The Time
  61. How To Be Born Again
  62. How Did We Get The Bible
  63. Jesus Is Knocking
  64. Jesus Says About Love
  65. Joy In Acts
  66. Just Think About This By Patricia Burnette NEW
  67. Just Who is God
  68. Let God’s Angels Roll Away Your Heavy Stones
  69. Liberty of God
  70. Meaning of Communion
  71. Messiahs Stripes/ Done/ Suffered
  72. Miserable Past, Circumstances
  73. No Hell, No Heaven No Jesus
  74. Personal Prophecy
  75. Prosperity & What It Is and How You Can Obtain It
  76. Reaping What We Sow
  77. Reach Out –– Not Reach In
  78. Receiving God’s Favor
  79. Recognizing Your Place In Christ
  80. Rekindle Your Passion for God
  81. Repentance Is Essential
  82. Rest In The Presence of God
  83. Resisting Your Temptations
  84. Reverential Fear Of God
  85. Sacrifice Better Than Obedience
  86. Satan Diverts Our God
  87. Seeking God Desperately Always NEW
  88. Sin Nature — Scott Stanley  NEW
  89. Sometimes When The Answer is NO
  90. Stand your ground in a Trial – Keep Faith
  91. Taking One Step At A Time
  92. The Treasure of Mercy
  93. Treasures Uncovered In God’s Word
  94. Truth, What Does The Bible Say
  95. Titles For the Redeemed People of God
  96. Unmovable Foundation of God’s Word
  97. Walking The Walk, Talk the Talk
  98. Wavering will bring Defeat
  99. What Does the Cross Mean
  100. What Goes Up –– Does Come Down
  101. What is Advent
  102. Where is God
  103. Who’s The Greatest In Your Life
  104. Who’s Voice Is It I Hear
  105. Would You Run
  106. Why I Believe Jesus Heals


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Heavens-Beauty Website Our Sister Site

Dont Forget We have a Sister "Heavns-Beauty" Website also!

It also is a Prayer Website, with lots of Information on it as well. We will be Updating it soon, even though it is done in WordPress! You can go there Anytime your heart desires! If, you like Our Christian websites Let us know and Pass them along as you go along! Click Here!