Meaning of Communion
Meaning of Communion
Mark 14:22-24
Holy Communion was never to be a empty ritual with little or no meaning to it, who shared in it.
There are not many who truly understand the actual meaning – Before Jesus of beaten so brutally the night before He wanted to sit with his disciples and dine with them and partake in the last supper.
He wanted to eat his final meal with His disciples and be strengthened in their fellowship before facing all agency that he was to endure.
During the “Last Supper” Jesus prophetically spoke, in with instructing them to partake of His broken body and His shed blood by eating, drinking the bread and the wine.
Verse 24 – Jesus was clear that His blood would oral and ratify (validate) the new covenant they were to have with the almighty God.
1)we take the bread: Jesus is the Bread of Life He is the word made flesh (John 6:35, 1:14)
2)As we partake of the bread, we take him as our living bread, the only source that can satisfy our hunger in life.
We take Him as our Living drink, for and always knowing and remembering what Jesus did for us. Which, can only, satisfy our thirst. When we drink of the cup of juice or wine, we are “sprinkling blood” or “shedding blood” on the sacrifice of His body.
We need to take the blood and bread if we remove one of others we are removing the blood if we don’t drink the cup, and if we remove the bread but we drink the cup we are missing the fact that Jesus didn’t so to speak die for us the covenant is broken. We have to do both, if not then they are renouncing the gospel’s power.
Communion should be a fresh dictation of our lives to the Lord, reminding us of the blood of the covenant that we have with God, because Jesus stood in our place He died for us and He shed His blood. Jesus, had and still does have the greatest love for us, He took our sins onto his self and remembers them no more. He sacrificed on the Cross, He made it possible for us to receive His salvation, His mercy, grace and favor.
By taking communion, realize Jesus has given you His best.
Communion is a time when you examine yourself , your life, and ask for forgiveness in areas of your life where it is needed. Release your faith, ask God for healing in your body, mind and other areas.
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