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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Unmovable Foundation of God’s Word

Anytime you acknowledge God’s promises and stand on them, your faith will be tried. I have found that my faith is usually tried after I ask God for something in prayer.

Unmovable Foundation of God’s Word

Anytime you acknowledge God’s promises and stand on them, your faith will be tried. I have found that my faith is usually tried after I ask God for something in prayer. Satan tries to make doubt and to destroy my faith.

Promise – Is a declaration assuring that one will or will not do something; it is an indication of future success, a basis for expectation.

God’s promises are strong enough to support your faith, no matter how severe the storms in you life are.

You must focus your faith on God. He will give you answers because He is the reward giver of those who diligently seek Him.

God honors faith that takes. So lock onto what you have asked God to do in prayer. You need this kind of tenacity to keep from giving up.

First revelation that you will have is that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God. Not a little god or a mediocre God, but a god so big that nothing can contain him. He is the one who has no beginning or end. He is the great ‘I Am’.

One who was not created – but creator of all things.

The one who wasn’t caused – but who causes good things to happen.

Talking about hearing with your heart, when you really hear God speak, no devil in hell can steal the revelation from you.

Hearing – Have you heard the voice of God speak to you?

His voice is an audible voice, that when you hear it, it will be a click and a little light comes on. All of a sudden you understand something you never before understood.

Something explodes inside of you, and you knew what you had not known before.

You’re going to start listening, and as you listen, the day of understanding will dawn on you and you’ll begin to act on your faith.

When that day dawns, when Jesus dawns on you, when you hear the voice of God’s word, you will do well if you take heed.

The dawning will be like a light that shines in a dark place.

Flesh and blood cannot reveal to you Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, but your

Father in Heaven will reveal Himself to you, if you keep listening.

When God’s word becomes ‘Rehma’ (living and filled with power) to you, then you will act on your faith.

Don’t give up!

Act on what you believe, and when you have done all, stand on the solid foundation of the word of God. The Devil knows he can destroy your faith. If that happens you wind up giving up on god.

Not acting on what you believe will keep your prayers from being answered.

The Bible teaches, “Be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.”

There are two Greek words used for the word of God; Logos and Rhema.

Logos  – Refers to the words themselves, the seeds of God’s word that He plants in your heart.

Rhema – Refers to the word that comes alive to you, that produces fruit in your life.

When God’s word comes alive to you, it becomes the foundation for your faith, the rock on which you build your life.


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