Hell is the Final Destiny For Those Who Don’t Repent
“Hell is the Final Destiny For Those Who Don’t Repent”
There are so many people which do not think there is a “Hell” but there is, and one day soon they will find out.
Due to the world (sinful people) which refuse to repent this world is going to be punished and the “Wrath of God” is going to come and that will be all she wrote.
Hell is a place of future punishment for lost and unrepentant people after death.
Hell is the final destiny of those who do not put their faith in Jesus Christ and his grace, it’s a place for those who refuse to repent of their sins.
Hell is described by images such as:
a furnace of fire (Matthew 13:42, 50; 25:41, 46)
eternal fire (Matthew 13:42, 50; 25:41, 46)
eternal punishment (Matthew 13:42, 50; 25:41, 46)
outer darkness (Matthew 13:42, 50; 25:41, 46); (8:12)
the place of weeping and torment (Matthew 8:12)
the lake of fire, the second death (Revelation 21:8)
a place for the devil and his demons (Matthew 25:41)
Evidently, those in hell experience everlasting separation from God, never to see the glory of his power. You will never see “Jesus” you are lost, never again will you experience anything ever that you thought you was….. Hell, is the final destination and you will be there for eternity, you will never get out, you can scream all you want to, it will not do any good.
(2 Thessalonians 1:9)
Other expressions that indicate that the final state of the wicked is eternal are these:
“burn with unquenchable fire” (Matthew 3:12)
“to the unquenchable fire … where their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched” (Mark 9:43, 48)
there is sin that “will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come” (Matthew 12:32, RSV)
When Scripture is understood properly, there is no hint anywhere of the termination of the terrible state of unbelievers in hell. Their doom is unending; there is a solemn finality about their miserable condition. Some of the most descriptive and conclusive utterances about hell come from the lips of Jesus.
God didn’t create it for man, but for THE DEVIL and his fallen angels, but it has enlarged its mouth to receive all the rebel angelic and human ENEMIES of GOD !!!
There is NOT NEUTRAL ground never will be, either you are for Jesus or against HIM !
This IS NOT A JOKE !!!
I beg you in the name of THE ALMIGHTY GOD, escape Hell!
Please don’t RISK YOUR ETERNAL DESTINY, JESUS LOVED YOU SO MUCH TO DIE in “YOUR PLACE” so that You don’t have to !!!!
A summary of all Scripture that speaks of hell indicates that there is the loss and absence of all good, and the misery and torment of an evil conscience.
The most terrifying aspect is the complete and deserved separation from God and from all that is pure, holy, and beautiful. In addition, there is the awareness of being under the wrath of God and of enduring the curse of a righteous sentence because of one’s sins that were consciously and voluntarily committed.
Although the biblical descriptions of hell are stated in very physical and literal terms, the essential character of hell should not be conceived in or limited to designations such as the worm that devours, the stripes that are inflicted, the burning or being consumed by fire.
This affirmation does not detract from the horror or the gravity of the situation in hell, because nothing could possibly be worse than separation from God and the torment of an evil conscience. Hell is hell for those who are there essentially because they are completely alienated from God, and wherever there is alienation from God, there is always estrangement from one’s fellows.
This is the worst possible punishment to which anyone could be subject: to be totally and irrevocably cut off from God and to be at enmity with all those who are around oneself.
Another painful consequence of such a condition is to be at odds with oneself-torn apart from within by an accusing sense of guilt and shame. This condition is one of total conflict: with God, one’s neighbors, and oneself.
This is hell! If the descriptions of hell are figurative or symbolic, the conditions they represent are more intense and real than the figures of speech in which they are expressed.
Punishment for sin is a persistent teaching of the Bible
The doctrine of judgment is as extensive as the canon itself from Genesis (Genesis 2:17; 3:17-19) to the Prophets (Ezekiel 14:10) to the final Revelation (Revelation 20:11-15).
BIBLICAL TERMS The Hebrew word “Sheol” in the Old Testament is predominantly used for “the grave, the pit, the place of the departed dead” (Genesis 37:35; Job 7:9; 14:13; 17:13-16; Psalms 6:5; 16:10; 55:15; Proverbs 9:18; Ecclesiastes 9:10; Isaiah 14:11; 38:10-12, 18). There does not seem to be a very clear distinction in the Old Testament between the final destiny of the good and the evil.
They all go to the grave, to the world below, a world of gloom, weariness, darkness, decay, and forgetfulness, where one is remote from God (Job 10:20-22; Psalm 88:3-6), yet accessible to him (Job 26:6; Psalm 138:8; Amos 9:2).
It is a place characterized by silence (Psalms 94:17; 115:17) and rest (Job 3:17). Other texts, however, seem to suggest some aspect of consciousness, hope, and communication in Sheol (Job 14:13-15; 19:25-27; Psalms 16:10; 49:15; Isaiah 14:9-10; Ezekiel 32:21).
A few texts seem to suggest the threat of divine judgment after death (Psalms 9:17; 55:15).
On the whole, Sheol was regarded with dismay and foreboding (Deuteronomy 32:22; Isaiah 38:18). It was not until the time of the postcanonical Jewish literature, the writings that were developed between the close of the Old Testament and the beginning of New Testament times, that clear distinctions were made between the final destinies of the righteous and the unrighteous.
The idea of separate divisions within Sheol for the good and the evil was developed.
It is unmistakable that there was in Jewish thought, as reflected throughout the Old Testament, a belief in a future and continued existence beyond death, however shadowy and indefinite the concept. The Greek word “hades” in the New Testament is used very similarly to “Sheol” in the Old Testament. It was, in fact, used by the translators of the Septuagint, the Greek version of the Old Testament, for Sheol.
It designated in general the place or state of the dead, the grave, or death itself. In some versions the word is not translated at all but is transliterated simply as “hades.” The New Testament is not always very explicit about the meaning of hades, other than what has just been described. Use of the word often does not reveal much about the specific condition of the dead.
There are some passages, however, that indicate a distinct advance over the use of Sheol in the Old Testament. One New Testament passage definitely describes hades as a place of evil and punishment of the wicked, and may appropriately be translated “hell” (Luke 16:23). In all other instances, hades indicates nothing more than the place of the dead. The Greek word “Gehenna” is used in a number of New Testament texts to designate the fiery place for punishment of sinners and is often translated “hell” or “the fires of hell” (Matthew 5:22, 29-30; 10:28; 18:9; 23:15, 33; Mark 9:43, 45, 47; James 3:6).
It is usually used in connection with the final judgment and often has the suggestion that the punishment spoken of is eternal. Gehenna is derived by transliteration from the Hebrew of the Old Testament “valley of Hinnom” or the “valley of the son of Hinnom,” a ravine on the south side of Jerusalem. This valley was the center of idolatrous worship in which children were burned by fire as an offering to the heathen god Molech (2 Chronicles 28:3; 33:6). In the time of Josiah it became a place of abomination, polluted by dead men’s bones and rubbish (2 Kings 23:10-14) and by the garbage and filth of Jerusalem dumped there. A fire burned continuously in this valley.
It thus became a symbol of the unending fires of hell where the lost are consumed in torment. It was a symbol of judgment to be imposed on the idolatrous and disobedient (Jeremiah 7:31-34; 32:35).
Another Greek word used to designate hell or “the lower regions” is “Tartarus” (2 Peter 2:4), a classical word for the place of eternal punishment. The apostle Peter uses it for the fallen angels who were thrown into hell, “committed … to pits of nether gloom to be kept until the judgment” (RSV). As noted above, there are, in addition to these terms, the very explicit and vivid phrases that clearly teach the doctrine of hell, as developed at the beginning of this article.
The biblical doctrine is determined much more by these decisive phrases than by the somewhat indecisive but frequently used terms “Sheol” and “hades.”
It is difficult for us to understand the righteous judgment of a holy God who, on one hand, hates all evil, yet, on the other hand, loves the evildoers enough to sacrifice his only Son for their salvation from sin.
Divine wrath is the necessary reaction of a holy God who hates all that is contrary to his righteous nature. When the only remedy for human sin is rejected and all appeals of a loving, seeking God for the reconciliation of rebellious sinners are refused, there is no other course of action that God himself can pursue but to leave the sinner to his self-chosen destiny.
Punishment for sin is then the inevitable and inescapable response of holiness to that which is morally opposite, and it must continue as long as the sinful condition requiring it continues. There is no indication anywhere in Scripture that lost sinners in hell are capable of repentance and faith. If in this life they did not turn away from sin and receive Christ as Savior with all the favorable circumstances and opportunities afforded them on earth, it is unreasonable to think they will do so in the life to come.
Punishment cannot come to an end until guilt and sin come to an end. When the sinner ultimately resists and rejects the work of the Holy Spirit whereby he is convicted of sin, there remains no more possibility of repentance or salvation. He has committed an eternal sin (Mark 3:29; Revelation 22:11), which deserves eternal punishment.
The impossibility of faith and repentance in hell is seen also from the tragic reality of the depraved will, conditioned and determined by its repeated rebellion against God. Sin reproduces itself in the will, and character tends to become irrevocably fixed. God responds to endless sinning with the necessary counterpart of endless punishment.
If the question is raised, “How can a loving God send people to an everlasting hell?” it must be replied that God does not choose this destination for people; they freely choose it for themselves. God simply concurs in their self-chosen way and reveals the full consequences of their evil choice. It must always be remembered that God is not only loving, he is also holy and righteous.
There must be some adequate reckoning with justice in the universe where a revolt against God has brought evil consequences of enormous proportions. While the duration of punishment in hell is eternal for all who have chosen that destiny for themselves, there are degrees of punishment proportional to the degrees of guilt of each individual. Only God is able to determine what those degrees are, and he will assign the consequences with perfect justice according to the responsibility of each one.
Evidence of such gradations in future punishment is found in Scriptures such as Matthew 11:20-24; Luke 12:47-48; Revelation 20:12-13.
An obvious comparison is made in these texts between the differing intensities of punishment that are involved in the contrasting privileges, knowledge, and opportunities. There are a variety of views that must be ruled out, however attractively they may be presented by their advocates and however popular they may be from time to time.
Among these views are the erroneous, but sometimes persuasive, doctrines of universalism, annihilationism, and second probation.
Universalism promotes the concept that God will save everyone in the end.
Annihilationism teaches that hell is not a place of conscious suffering but of final extermination.
And second probation is a notion that people can be delivered from hell. While these theories can be attractive, the Bible is our rule of faith for the doctrine of hell, however difficult the doctrine may seem for natural reason or for human sentiment.
Scripture leaves no doubt about the terrible nature and the eternal duration of hell. Rejection or neglect of this doctrine will have dire effects upon the mission of the church. If you have any doubts, as to where you will end up when you die or when Jesus Christ returns, then please “Ask Jesus to come into your heart, and ask for forgiveness of your sins. He will enter your heart and you become one in Christ.”