Everyone Has Weaknesses
Everyone Has Weaknesses
Genesis 33
As we all do, we all have weaknesses which do cause us to stumble. Just like Jesus He was a man which like us had many weaknesses, but they didn’t stop Him from pressing in on God to do what God wanted Him to do, and God was also determined to give him his blessings.
God told Jesus in (Genesis 32:28) that He had contended with God and man, and that God would be glorified in Him. God can always be glorified though people who will not allow personal weaknesses to stop Him from flowing through them.
For God to flow through us, we have to first come fact – to – face with the facts of our weaknesses, and that we sure have them, we have to determine not to let them bothers us. We all have imperfections and we have to stop letting them stop us from God blessing us, and it sure won’t stop God from working through us unless we let them.
We must accept ourselves, fully and completely with all of our weaknesses to. God does and He always will.
Jacob wrestled with an angel of the Lord, who touched him on the thigh, and with that result of encounter, he lived the remainder of his life with a limp (Genesis 32:24-32), Jacob limped away from the fight, but he took his blessing with him. God will bless all of us even if we have weaknesses and fall. He is always right there to pick us up, brush us off and love us.
God looks in our hearts, if we have faith in Him and our hearts that long to obey him and through Him we can overcome our weaknesses, and bring Him glory, then He will work wonders through us in spite of our weaknesses.
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