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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Gasoline Gasoline

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Priced too high, money’s gettin’ lean
Don’t know what I’m gonna
Do about this fuel called
gasoline…..high gasoline
I fill up my tank, once a
Week, no money now in
The bank, just took a peek.
Something’s gotta be done,
Life ain’t no fun, ’cause of
Gasoline….high gasoline.

Priced too high, money’s gettin’ lean
Don’t know what I’m gonna
Do about this fuel called
Gasoline….high gasoline

Folks in Congress,they could
Care less; it’s been their mess,
But this they won’t address;
WHY should they?
They’ve ALWAYS got their Leer Jets!
They don’t have to worry
Like you and me…. ’bout
gasoline….high gasoline.

Gasoline…. gasoline….
Priced too high, money’s gettin’ lean…
Surely SOMEONE can come
Up with with cheap fuel…
Like gasoline….high gasoline.

This economy…. it’s puttin’
On the squeeze
It’s gettin’ so you can’t
Afford nothin’, not even to sneeze!
Thanks to….gasoline…
high gasoline….high gasoline

Gasoline…. gasoline….
Priced too high, money’s
Gettin’ lean….may have
To mortgage my car,
Know what I MEAN?
‘Cause of gasoline….
High gasoline

It’s just not fair, that
Congress don’t care….
‘Bout the cost of……
gasoline….high gasoline.

Written by Tim Sharp

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