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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Where is God

Question, yourself, do I seek him, do I spend time with him? Do, I read his word? Do I have pray time with him? Do I give him praise? Do I give to his Kingdom? Do I help those who are in need, when I feel the need? Where is God?
Luke 10:1

There are many I’m sure which asks where is God, why can’t I feel him, why do I feel empty?

Question, yourself, do I seek him, do I spend time with him? Do, I read his word? Do I have pray time with him? Do I give him praise? Do I give to his Kingdom? Do I help those who are in need, when I feel the need?

God, does not require us to spend every waking moment with him, but He does require some of our time.

He requires us to seek him, pray and talk to him, read his word, practice it, help others, walk with him. Give to his Kingdom, be there for Him as He is you.

Never give up on Him, because He hasn’t given up on you!

I have always made myself available to be there for others since 1976 or so. God made me that way he molded my heart to reach out to those who are in need, we are to reach out to those who are in need, we are to reach out to anyone in need, we are not to sit and watch them suffer.We are to be there to help them, we are to be like (Luke 10: 29- 37)

We are to draw near people who are in need, we are to help them, comfort them, share God’s love, his mercy and grace with them. We may not be able to take care of all their needs, but we are to help them on everyway possible. Jesus, did He was there to give comfort to all those who needed relief, those who were lonely, who needed a friend who needed clothes, place to lay their heads, those who needed to be cared for, if all of us would practice everyday how Jesus was and is this world would be a much better place, those sharing Jesus’ Love and compassion.

You never know by being like Jesus, and being a Good Samaritan, how you can bless someone and bring them to Christ and this is what we are to be doing. How many have you brought to Christ, by being like him – and not showing them away?




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Heavens-Beauty Website Our Sister Site

Dont Forget We have a Sister "Heavns-Beauty" Website also!

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