Welcome to the Newest Update to “Heavens Beauty – Wisdom of Jesus”

John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Poems And Sayings (100)

Poems Sayings As I Walked Through Life

I have separated the Categories into parts, and their contents as the Main Sitemap was to large and to long. It is hard to Navigate, so I did it this way to help you find what Subject/Topic you wish to see. I am trying to get everything moved over into WordPress from Html, and due to Adobe stopped supporting flash, the menus no-longer work. So, I had no choice in doing it this way. Thank You and May God Bless You and Your Family Always and Forever!

  1. A Dozen Roses for You 2002
  2. A Friend Is Someone Who… (2002) Redone (2014)
  3. A Mother’s Tear 2002
  4. Another Chance 2002 NEW
  5. A Praying Heart  Nellie Jean Scranton NEW
  6. A Real Friend 2002
  7. A Soldiers Poem
  8. A Soliders Prayer
  9. A Son’s Prayers
  10. A Special Angel…
  11. A Time To Believe NEW
  12. Acceptance Is…. NEW
  13. Angel In Disguise 2002
  14. Angel Of The Morning 2002
  15. As a Sign Allison Kay Brown
  16. As I Walked Through Life By Patricia Burnette 2005
  17. As I Walked Through Life 2 1999 – 2004
  18. Because You’re My Friend NEW
  19. Believe In Your Heart NEW
  20. Tim Sharp (Poems & Writings)
  21. Burning Bridges By Tim Sharp
  22. Cast Your Bread Upon The Waters (1999)
  23. Count Your Blessings 2002
  24. Dear Friend 2002
  25. Don’t Ever Forget…
  26. Follow Me NEW By Patricia Burnette 2014
  27. Footprints in your heart… 2002
  28. Forgive Me Jesus NEW
  29. For The Garden Of Your Family Living
  30. Friendship Promise
  31. Friendship’s Road
  32. Friends Without Faces
  33. Gasoline Gasoline By Tim Sharp
  34. Girlfriends…
  35. Give Me a Big Ole Bear Hug
  36. Give A Kind Word
  37. God Has Gotten Me Through  By Patricia Burnette
  38. God Is Love By Patricia Burnette 2014
  39. God Is Watching By Patricia A. Collins
  40. God’s Rainbow
  41. Heaven and Earth…
  42. He’s Always There
  43. How Is It That By Tim Sharp
  44. HOW LONG….UNTILBy Tim Sharp
  45. I Believe… By  Ruth Carter-Bourdon NEW
  46. I’m Not Perfect Lord NEW By Patricia Burnette 2014
  47. Imagine…..
  48. I’ll Be There For You
  49. I Am Thankful For You 2002
  50. I Prayed For You Today By Jack Rickett 2001
  51. I wish for you….
  52. If We Believe… NEW
  53. It Depends Whose Hands It’s In
  54. I Repent To You Father By Patricia Burnette NEW
  55. Is There Intelligent Life….Here? Humor 🙂 By Tim Sharp
  56. Just Think About This By Patricia Burnette NEW
  57. Lady Liberty,Uncle Sam By Tim Sharp
  58. Life Is
  59. Little Things
  60. Lunch With God By: Bob Hoyt

  61. May You Always Feel Loved…

  62. The Masters Vessel By Patricia Burnette
  63. Mother Teresa’s Prayer 2002
  64. My Declaration NEW 2014
  65. My Jesus NEW
  66. Old English Prayer 1998-2002
  67. One By Cheryl Sawyer
  68. Prayers Cant Be Answered Unless They Are Prayed NEW
  69. The Prayer of Faith NEW

  70. Reason, Season, Lifetime…

  71. Recipe For Friendship 2002
  72. Recipe For Happiness…
  73. Risks  2002
  74. Risking It
  75. Roses For Moma
  76. Satan Go Away By: Patricia Burnette 5/13/2008 NEW
  77. Seeds of Kindness 2001 Marie Williams
  78. Steadfast Heart
  79. TAPS By Tim Sharp
  80. Tender Flurries 2001- James R. Rowe
  81. This Is Our Alamo By Tim Sharp
  82. The Bend in the Road  By Helen Steiner Rice
  83. The Passion Of Jesus’ Sacrifice By Patricia Burnette NEW
  84. The Perfect Heart
  85. The Perks of Being Over 40…
  86. The Phrase “A.S.A.P.”
  87. The Wrath  By Patricia Burnette
  88. To Believe…
  89. The Prayer Wheel
  90. The World Needs …
  91. Unconditional Love By Allison Chambers Coxsey
  92. Used To Have This Dream Re-Written By Patricia Burnette
  93. What Do We Do Now  By Patricia Burnette 9-22-2014 NEW
  94. What God Promised Annie Johnson Flint
  95. What I am Thankful To Jesus For By Patricia
  96. When The Thunder Rolls By Patricia Burnette
  97. Where Has the Soul of America Gone? By Tim Sharp
  98. Why God Gave Us Friends
  99. Why I Write By Tim Sharp
  100. You are…

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