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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Rest In The Presence of God


Rest In The Presence of God

When God gave Moses his big job, he had allot on his hands. Moses knew he needed God’s presence and he sought God and His assurance that God would go with him and help him. Exodus 32:12-14

This is what we all need to do, —- we all need to Seek God’s presence and Rest. No matter how hard or difficult our circumstances may be, just the knowledge of His Presence He give us hope, faith, strength in knowing he’s with us.

It helps us enable to do what job God gives us and gives us His hand at the same time.


There are so many times, my projects fall through , the circumstances in which happens in my life and boy oh boy there sure has been so many, so many I cannot keep count any longer. I have to keep my mind on God because if I didn’t the devil sure can really mess things up.

The devil is sneaky and he can put so many obstacles in our way that stops all we are trying to accomplish in our lives.

How do you feel and act when things start to fall apart or when they seem to?

Come on, just think about what your actions and thoughts, your words are when bad things happen in your life!

Do you act like any of the below mentioned?
Let your mind go wild with mean and hateful thoughts
Curse up a storm
Make Threats to people
Make threats or wanting to quit — give up
Start Screaming and Hollering
Do you lie your way out of problems
Do you send hateful messages or emails, texts, voice messages
Do you take the blame for something that you didn’t never do or think of doing
Do you start making more trouble for yourself by lashing out to others
Do you blame others for things that you did yourself, your misfortune

I’m sure there can be more , but I’m sure you get what I am trying to point out to you, these things will not help your circumstances , not at all. I have learned so well, all this does , is prolong what GOD has for you, so STOP!

When things got tough for me, before I actually realized, “Hey, your parents brought you up better than this”, not that I was hateful or anything, it’s just I wasn’t sure how to handle certain pressures and instead of taking it, all I knew to do was to speak up and not let people walk all over me, and treat me like I was a piece of trash on the ground.

There are several times I still catch myself saying “I just give up” or “I Quit, it’s no use I am never going to get anything accomplished or done, my family thinks I have nothing to do, or I need to make any money to help my husband, etc.”

All, kinds of thoughts go through our minds, no matter what the circumstances are, but we have to renew our minds and make the devil go back to hell where he is from, and stop taking his lies.

The type of work I do and was doing, it is tedious at many times, especially when there constant computer problems and issues, over the past 13 yrs, or programs acting up, you know those viruses that people with nothing else to better do in their lives, they have to create viruses, etc, or the html codes, or php coding etc doesn’t want to work right, health issues, family issues, etc. We’ve had to move and that takes time to get settled in, everything turned on, and trying to get things organized, etc.

Believe me, I have been through allot, but who hasn’t, so many problems, and the devil is always trying so hard to get God’s people into a road that is never ending problems and issues in our lives. The devil really thought he was going to succeed, especially when hard drives start going out, loosing data, and then buying a new hard drive or drives, and having to scrape the data that is recoverable to move to dvd’s or cd’s and move things back or re-install programs and finding registration codes, etc. the devil can really put some issues on someone.

But, I have to keep going because God gave me my talents, and they are for His glory not mine, I get the enjoyment of doing it for Him, when I finish doing what He wants me to do, then I get Glory.

God has the plan, and if the plan fails, DO NOT BLAME GOD, blame yourself, because you are not following His plan, that He puts in front of you. When we don’t rest in His presence, all things can and will happen in our lives that will keep failing. If, things keep going wrong in your life, stop and take a look at what you are not using and doing to be in God’s Presence.

When the devil ruins the plans, God will guide you and give you a much better plan. If, you have went through allot of problems, troubles, and they need to stop and think what is it that I’m doing wrong—- Seek God’s Presence, because if a plan keeps failing, God does and will give you another better plan, 10 times better than the first plan.

Seek God’s Presence He has a better plan better than ever. STOP SEEKING YOUR OWN WILL —- SEEK GOD’S WILL & PLAN IT’S SO MUCH BETTER FOR US!!!!!

Everything isn’t the devils fault, things are our own fault to, why?

Because we don’t listen , we don’t pray for God’s Will and plan, we don’t pray and read His word, we get so impatient and we just want what we want, we don’t care.

But, when we always leave God out and not seek His presence, we loose sight of God and His plans for us, when we seek God’s Presence we can live painfully free and we can live in God’s Plans for our lives, and we can be sure that Our life will go as planned from the beginning. But, when we leave Him out then we deserve what in life gives us, because we can be deaf to His Voice.

There are times when we try something that just wasn’t in His will, and never was. There are things we want to do, we must learn to want what God wants for us more than we do ourselves.

Anytime, our plans don’t seem to be working, we must give it to GOD, and His rest will be given to us.

Psalms 91:1, encourages us, “He who dwells in the secret places of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty (whose power no foe can with stand it.)

We have to realize that God is Our Refuge, Our Fortress. We can always rely on and in Confidently trust in Him. If the devil resisting you causing trouble, God will show you or give you that. You should take Authority over him, devil) reminding him that the greater one lives inside you. As, you do resist the devil and completely trust in God, His plan will always prevail.

Moses did, he asked God to show him better. The Lord answering by assuring Moses, that His presence would be with him, and that He would give Him rest. What Moses really needed at the difficult time of His life was the presence of God, and the rest of God.

The same is true for us to. Much as we would like to know God’s plan for us, what we need most of all is God’s Presence, which will give us rest, whenever and wherever we need it and sends us or what He needs us to do.

Want God’s Will, not your’s because our will always fails, without God in them. When things don’t seem to be going like you want them to, or thought they should we must STAY FOCUSED, REMAIN PEACEFUL, AND KEEP TRUSTING IN GOD, KEEP IN FAITH!

Always SEEK HIS PRESENCE not HIS PRESENTS. If your trouble and delay are results of satanic, remember that satan may come up against you one way, but he will have to flee before you seven ways, if you keep your eyes on God!



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