Welcome to the Newest Update to “Heavens Beauty – Wisdom of Jesus”

John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.


Trishas Creations Copyright

Trisha’s Creations brought to you by: Patricia Burnette of Magee, Ms / Montgomery Al

Trisha’s Creation’s, which is apart of Bapmnservices, among other websites, brings you a Beautiful Web Site Re-Inspired by the “Lord Jesus Christ”.

Back in 1998, I created this website and I felt in my heart that the Lord wanted  me to “reconstruct” it and add much more needed helpful information in order to help those who want to know Him, and that Need Him, and maybe needs prayer.

All Content on “Heaven’s Beauty / Trisha’s Creation’s / Wisdom of Jesus” is owned by: Heaven’s Beauty / Trisha’s Creation’s / Wisdom of Jesus.

Heaven’s Beauty / Trisha’s Creation’s / Wisdom of Jesus, The Images, cannot be taken, nor it’s content copied. We reserve the right to protect Our Material which we created and / or found our self. Some, of the information which is on this website, I did research several years ago, and I have used it, and done more research and have learned from experience and have included my experiences and what I needed help with.

If, for some reason you see “Our Work” somewhere other than this site here or the sister site “Heavens Beauty.Com” Please inform us of this problem.

We Pray that this site really makes you eager to Live for the Lord and I Pray it blesses you beyond all you and I can imagine.
God Bless You
Patricia Burnette

May God Bless You & Keep You and Your Family Safe!



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Heavens-Beauty Website Our Sister Site

Dont Forget We have a Sister "Heavns-Beauty" Website also!

It also is a Prayer Website, with lots of Information on it as well. We will be Updating it soon, even though it is done in WordPress! You can go there Anytime your heart desires! If, you like Our Christian websites Let us know and Pass them along as you go along! Click Here!