God Never Forgets
God Never Forgets
Ester 6:1
People think God, has forgotten them, or He will forget them. This isn’t true, God never forgets. In Hebrews 6:10, “For God is not unrighteous to forget or overlook your labors and the love which you have shown for His Name sake in ministering to the needs of the saints, as you still do.”
God, records everything –– and He isn’t going to forget. He remembers our prayers, each time we have prayed each time we confessed our sins and Gods word, even when our emotions wanted to believe something else or any negativity, our obedience, our confessions of faith, our worship, our offerings, our sacrifices, our tithing, our trust in Him, He never forgets nothing.
So, never think God forgets, because He knows and remembers and He will reward you.
The only things God forgets, is our sins when we sincerely repent of them. But, God never forgets us and all we do for Him. Just because you are going through hard and rough times, doesn’t mean God has forgotten you!
Now the devil however, he won’t never let you forget unless you “TAKE CONTROL” if you tell the devil in Jesus Name get out of my head , all my thoughts he will soon stop. But, if you want him to stop condemning you about them, you need to do above and ask the Lord Jesus to help you stop allowing the devil to torment you.
The devil used to do this to me all the time, and I had to learn to “TAKE CONTROL” and ask God to help me, because he will keep you down and tormented.
You may be getting testing in your faith, so look up and know God has your back!!
God never forgets your obedience and willingness to do His will. Ester 8