7 Things The Messiah Suffered of God
7 Things The Messiah Suffered of God
Isaiah 53:10
When “Jesus was Crucified” He was beaten beyond imagination for us. He was so bloody that anyone couldn’t withstand the pain He went through for us.
Some people who just refuse to except that, there is a Jesus and He died for them, even for the worst criminal.
Jesus, was beaten so bad that He was in so much pain, but He did it for us, for you, for everyone. Some people just think it was a joke of some kind, they don’t believe that there even was a Jesus, and how wrong can they be, and soon one day every eye shall see Him, every tongue shall confess that HE IS WHO HE SAID HE WAS AND IS!
I have listed “7 Things The Messiah Suffered of God“ when He was on the cross and before, so please read the Scriptures and follow up. If, the Lord Reigns long enough and gives the ability to me when all is done with this website, adding more pages and helps I will do more follow-up with the pages like these. But, we all need to know all we can about Jesus and all He went through!
7 Things The Messiah Suffered of God
1. He was Stricken of God Isaiah 53:4,8
2. Smitten of God Isaiah 53:4
3. Afflicted of God
4. God Laid on Him the Iniquity of Us All Isaiah 53:6,11
5. Bruised Him Isaiah 53:10
6. Put Him to grief – made Him Sick
7. Made Him an Offering for Sin and Sickness Isaiah 53:4,5,10
Jesus 1 Jesus 2 Jesus 3 Jesus 4 Jesus 5 Jesus 6 Jesus 7 Jesus 8 Jesus 9 Jesus 10 Jesus 11 Jesus 12 Jesus 13 Jesus 14 Jesus 15 Jesus 16 Jesus 17 Jesus 18 Jesus 19
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