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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Music Of Old Gospel/Lyrics 2 (14)

Wow I wish the churches will all sing them again, the spiritual feeling you get from them when you sing them and listen to them.

Free Old Timey Gospel Tunes

I know there are so many out there that remember the Older Southern Gospel Music, the older gospel music we used to sing in church!

Wow I wish the churches will all sing them again, the spiritual feeling you get from them when you sing them and listen to them.

I am working on getting the lyrics to the ones I listed, they are just mainly the music medley but nice listening!!! If, anyone finds more that can can used freely please will you let me know, I would appreciate it very much! God Bless You and I Hope the Ones Below Blesses You in some ways!

Free Old Timey Gospel Tunes2

  1. 8tracks radio Love This Website
  2. At The Cross
  3. Free Praise Worship Music
  4. Here I Am MP3
  5. Jesus I’m Your’s MP3
  6. Journey With The King MP3
  7. Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
  8. Looking To The Cross MP3
  9. No More Good-Byes WMA (Is A Download/ Opens Up In Windows Media or VLC))
  10. Sinner’s Prayer MP3
  11. The Solid Rock WMA (Is A Download/ Opens Up In Windows Media or VLC))
  12. There Is A Fountain WMA (Will Get Your Feet A Tapping)
  13. We Gather Together (Will Get Your Feet A Tapping)
  14. Old Rugged Cross (Will Get Your Feet A Tapping)


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Heavens-Beauty Website Our Sister Site

Dont Forget We have a Sister "Heavns-Beauty" Website also!

It also is a Prayer Website, with lots of Information on it as well. We will be Updating it soon, even though it is done in WordPress! You can go there Anytime your heart desires! If, you like Our Christian websites Let us know and Pass them along as you go along! Click Here!