99 Ways of A Back Slider
99 Ways of A Back Slider
Proverbs 14:14
People think that just because we slip up from time to time is back-sliding but it isn’t. God created us, yes, but He knew we wasn’t going to be perfect; if we were none of us would need Jesus.
Back-sliding however, is more serious than making a mistake. I have listed from the Bible examples of “Backsliding” and the scriptures to show and prove it.
Backsliding, also known as falling away, is a term used within Christianity to describe a process by which an individual who has converted to Christianity reverts to pre-conversion habits and/or lapses or falls into sin, when a person turns from God to pursue their own desire.
In Christianity, within denominations which teach Armenians, such as the Methodist Church and Pentecostal Holiness Church, as well as in the Roman Catholic Church, backsliding is a state in which any free willed believer can adopt, which is a doctrine rejected by most Calvinists.
In these denominations, it is taught that the backslidden individual is in danger of Hell if he does not repent . Historically, backsliding was considered a trait of the Biblical Israel which would turn from the Abrahamic God to follow idols. In the New Testament church , the story of the Prodigal Son has become a representation of a backslider.
99 Ways of A Back Slider
1. Will Not Harken To God |
2. Will Not Obey His Commands |
3. Despise God’s Statues |
4. Arbhor God’s Judgments |
5. Breaks God’s Covenant |
6. Forget God |
7. Forsakes God |
8. Provokes God |
9. Turn Again to Folly |
10. Turn Aside to Sin |
11. Turn From Righteousness |
12. Cast God Back of Them |
13. Trust Your Own Righteousness |
14. Are Bent On Backsliding |
15. Lose Savor |
16. Grow Cold In Love |
17. Become Offended |
18. Fall Away By Temptation |
19. Permit Cares of The World, Deceitfulness of riches and lusts of other things to choke the World |
20. Become Ashamed of Christ |
21. Look Back to Cold Life |
22. Become Defeated by Satan |
23. All Overcome by Sin |
24. Lust After and over Evil Things |
25. Are Idolaters |
26. Commit Fornication |
27. Tempt Christ |
28. Murmurs |
29. Become Filled with Debates, Envying, Wraths, Strife’s, Backbitings, Whisperings, Swellings, Tumults |
30. Remove From Christ |
31. Disobey the Truth |
32. Fall From Grace |
33. Turn Again to the Old Bondage of Sin |
34. Put Away Faith |
35. Turn Aside After Satan |
36. Love of Money |
37. Err From Faith |
38. Depart From Faith |
39. Deny Christ |
40. Love The Present World |
41. Depart From God |
42. Harden Hearts by Sin |
43. Fall In Unbelief |
44. Fall Away |
45. Fail God’s Grace |
46. Permit Roots of Bitterness to Defile Them |
47. Become Blind |
48. Become Barren and Unfruitful |
49. Forget Purging Away From Sin |
50. Do Not Make Their Calling and Election Sure |
51. Turn Away From The Holy Commandment |
52. Abide Not In The Doctrine of Christ and of God |
53. Abide Not In Christ |
54. Leave First Love Which Is Christ |
55. Permit Heart To Depart From God |
56. Give Heed To Seducing Spirits and Doctrines of Demons |
57. Turn Away From Truth |
58. Fall From Their Own Steadfastness in Christ |
59. Err From The Truth |
60. Become Cutt Off |
61. Become Broken Off |
62. Shipwreck Faith |
63. Neglect Salvation |
64. Become Corrupted from the Simplicity in Christ |
65. Become Castaways |
66. Fail To Continue In Faith |
67. Fail To Continue Seeking Life and Immortality |
68. Go Back and Walk no More With Christ |
69. Fail To Take Heed Lest They Fall |
70. Sin Against God |
71. Cast Off First Faith |
72. Defile The Body |
73. Draw Back Into Perdition |
74. Do Not Endure |
75. Move Away From Hope |
76. Fail To Walk In The Spirit |
77. Fail To Be Steadfast |
78. Hate The Brethren |
79. Serve In Sin |
80. Yield To Sin |
81. Sow To The Flesh |
82. Fail To Hold To The End |
83. Come Short of The Goal |
84. Fail To labor to Enter Life |
85. Fail To Put Death the Deeds of The Body |
86. Refuse to Walk in Christ as The Receive Him |
87. Continue in Sin Thinking Grace will Abound |
88. Turn Heart Back |
89. Decline to Walk With God |
90. Turn Way Back |
91. Are Rebellious |
92. Cast Law Behind Backs |
93. Turn Their Backs on God |
94. Turn Their Back from The Lord |
95. Slide Back From God |
96. Refuse To Return To God |
97. Backslider Many Times |
98. Backslider Like a Heifer |
99. Go Backward, not Forward |
All of these are an indicator of the backslider, whether it be a man or woman, when they once walked in the Path of the Lord God, and now has left Him. Left Him out of their lives. A Man and Woman in which has been through the devil and retreated from many battles.
But the Backslider joined the enemy, and man or woman who once belonged to God, but is now removed, who has been overcome by the sin and satan and filled with his ways.
You cannot get to heaven by being a backslider. Anyone can believe in Jesus Christ, but if you are still committing and turning your back from Him, you are a Backslider, no if’s ands or buts about it.
How to Avoid Backsliding 10 Steps to Getting Back on Course http://christianity.about.com/od/practicaltools/ht/avoidbackslide.htm