Since the Old Sitemap was so outdated with old links from previous version it was so long and messed up. So, I may have to add several pages to this one to cover all Categories which are contained on this New Version of “Heavens Beauty / Wisdom of Jesus.” So please bare with me!
As I Walked Through Life By Patricia Burnette 2005
As I Walked Through Life 2 1999 – 2004
STAR Article: *True Meaning of Christmas* By: Michael Kraft
The True Spirit of Thanksgiving By: Michael Kraft
If there is a reason the Flash Buttons are to quick for you to use, you are welcome to use this sitemap. There will be the same Pages listed by chance you see the same “Topic” that is because they go in that category. I did mean to do that 🙂
Thank You so Much for Coming by “Heavens Beauty” website it was Originally Created Back in 1997-1998 – (Re-Designed In 2021)
I was Inspired to Re-Vamp the website and I Pray it is a Blessing to You as it has been me, to bring it together! Thanks Again and God Bless You!
Patricia Burnette
Short Mini Sitemap Below!
The Detailed Sitemap Below
There is Over 1, 100 Pages It’s Impossible to List them all, even through a Menu Process, the site crashed there was so many pages. Now, to use this “Sitemap” Go to the Column you want and then look at the Urls and click on them, that will take you to the Main Page those Links which are in that Category!