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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

I Repent To You Father

I have caught myself many times asking for forgiveness for things I may have already confessed.I Repent To You Father

Written By: Patricia Burnette 2014

I have caught myself many times asking for forgiveness for things I may have already confessed. But, the Bible also tells us that we must confess daily. I have always tried to cover anything and everything I may have said or done, that may have offended my Father Jesus.

I didn’t matter to me whatever it was or could’ve been I wanted to confess it. Because I do know there are times when I get so frustrated and burdened because of all that is going on in the world and those around us, just seem so ungrateful and unforgiving so I get upset and angry. We are to be slow to anger, but sometimes it’s so hard because people just do not care how they sin or what sin they commit.

So I wrote this in 2014 and I hope maybe someone it will help, in confessing of their sins.

I Repent To You Father

Father, I admit I am a sinner,

I confess all my sins to you,

It seems I confess all the time,

Forgive me, for all the things I did,

Forgive me, for all the things I’ve said,

I repent Father I am sorry I have failed you,

Give me your strength to overcome,

Those things that changed me this time,

Father, give me the power to change my faults,

To become a better person for you to be proud of me,

Help me to understand why I repeatedly do things I do,

I am so sorry, and I ask you to help me and forgive me,

I am sorry I have done things that is displeasing to you,

Give the courage to deal with the things I need to change,

I fight to change and stand my ground,

Forgive me for bad thoughts, I get for the hurt I’ve felt,

Take this away from me and refresh my heart,

Cleanse my soul and renew my mind Father,

I know I have asked for forgiveness for so many things,

Help me Father to stop and to ever do those things ever again,

I am sorry Father I am weak give me strength, wisdom deep within,

So I can better myself and be clean inside and be better for you.

In Jesus Name Amen Amen

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