Are You Decreeing & Declaring 3
“Are You Decreeing & Declaring?”
Sample Decree & Declare Requests
Here Is Examples of How To Decree In Prayer if you are unsure, how to word your Petition!
Really, after you see how to word it, or say it, there is no need to add more than one. But, really it all comes from your heart, in what you want to “Decree & Declare” God to do in your life! You can Agree with these Decree’s and set more Power to them as we will yours as well. If, you have some which You want listed I will be more than happy to add them here!
Job 22:28 Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways. We have often heard and read this passage of scripture but have you meditated on the meaning of this powerful word.
Decree and Declare Of God’s World and Our Country
Let’s come together and Agree In Jesus’ Name to claim the deliverance of evil which has taken over this world and our Country, God’s Countries to be saved from the evil around us.
When we Decree and Declare we MUST say it out loud, so please if you are serious and you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ then say the Decree’s OUT LOUD and firmly. Believe in your heart that what you are announcing and decreeing and declaring will come to pass.
You can say it as many times as you wish, the more times the better, if their is anything I didn’t mention you can add it to this yourself or create your own, and if you will let me know I will add it to this one as well.
Pray this Out Loud: Father Jesus, we all come together before you in agreement to Decree and Declare your loving Power and Grace and your Mercy to remember in your word that we as believers can decree and declare anything and it shall be done! The power of your hand, we claim and decree and we declare your Power and strength over Our Declaration together believing with one another that your word is true and faithful.
Our Declaration
We Decree and declare and claim the power of God’s loving hand to reach down and cover this world with your ever most protection cover us all with your precious Blood of Jesus,
We Decree and Declare, we claim the Power of Your hands to remove every inch, every speck of evil that flows through our government through all evil forces we decree and declare that removal In Jesus’ Name,
We Decree and Declare that every person all around the world repent of their sins, change their ways, their thoughts, actions and words of evil that comes out of their mouths to godly speeches,
We Decree and Declare that every person has financial freedoms, from all their debts, be released in the Powerful Name of Jesus,
We Decree and Declare each and every person who is in and out of government come forward and admit of all the evil which they are standing behind, and all the evil tactics be revealed,
We Decree and Declare that every person be saved by your loving mercy and grace that they will follow you and your will,
We Decree and Declare that all people who taken from this world give back all that has been stolen, misused by any authority be revealed and give back what is rightfully yours and your people’s,
We Decree and Declare that prayer be PLACED Back in our schools, public places, and our freedoms be restored as you had placed them before us many thousands of years ago,
We Decree and Declare that this evil corruptness healthcare be stopped diminished under the feet of all Christians and those who oppose it,
We Decree and Declare that anyone who needs to be relieved of any and all bad habits be helped right now by your Loving Mercy and Grace In Jesus’ Name,
In Jesus Name we claim this Declaration and Decree By The Power and The Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ and be covered and honored in Jesus’ Name Amen Amen!
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