Welcome to the Newest Update to “Heavens Beauty – Wisdom of Jesus”

John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Kingdom of God 4 How To Get There

Noone here on Earth actually knows what color's of Gem that is in Heaven, even though the Bible describes them but it does not say which colors. The only one that it mentions is the Clear Crystal Jasper. I tried to find all that was mentioned in Revelation

Kingdom of God and How To Get There / John 3:3


 Try to visualize The Beauty of Heaven…. can you?


It is so very sad, that many doesn’t believe in “Heaven” and those which do believe in “Heaven” don’t really care or even know where to begin to get to “Heaven.”

These verses below will show one how to get to “Heaven” and beautiful and Glorious place that we will be for Eternity, with the Lord God The Father!

The Scripture Verse   Bible Statement
Matthew 4:17   To enter you must confess and repent of sin
Matthew 5:10-12   Those persecuted for their faith will receive rewards there
Matthew 7:21   Not all who talk about it belong there
Matthew 13:31-32   Small beginning but great results
Matthew 13:33   Worldwide impact
Matthew 13:44-46   Priceless value
Matthew 13:47-49   Cannot judge who will be in it
Luke 4:43   Good news to all
Luke 10:21   Equally available to all
Luke 12:31   Must be the believer’s top priority
Luke 13:22-30   The door is now open to all, but one day it will close
John 3:3   To enter you must be born again

You can also, read these here, if you just came here through the menu and haven’t went to the other pages on Heaven.


HeavenHeaven Main, Heaven 3, Heaven 4Heaven 5Heaven 6Heaven 7 , Heaven 8Heaven 9 Heaven 10Heaven 11Heaven 12Heaven 13 Heaven 14

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Dont Forget We have a Sister "Heavns-Beauty" Website also!

It also is a Prayer Website, with lots of Information on it as well. We will be Updating it soon, even though it is done in WordPress! You can go there Anytime your heart desires! If, you like Our Christian websites Let us know and Pass them along as you go along! Click Here!