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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Name of the Lord Jesus 4

The Name of the Lord is a strong tower

I tried to place them all in Alphabetical Order as I found them, so if you see a few out of place we’re sorry, but I
will fix them as soon as we can!

“The Name of the Lord is a strong tower; the
righteous runs into it and is safe.”
Proverbs .18:10

He has been given many Names and each reveals Him in a different way. God’s Names represent His attributes, His nature.


 “El, Yahweh, Adonai, Theos ”

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“Know God By All His Names”


The G’s


John 10:27

Gate for the Sheep

Gate for the sheep Jesus is the only way into God’s Kingdom

1 Kings 19:12

Gentle Whisper



reference to mighty and heroic men

John 4:10

Gift Of God


Isaiah 40:5

Glory of The Lord


Genesis 1:1


“The Master of the Universe”

Genesis 17:1

God Almighty


Romans 9:5

God Over All


Genesis 16:13

God Who Sees Me


John 10:11

Good Shepherd

Jesus appropriated the prophetic images of the Messiah pictured in the Old Testament. This is a claim to divinity, focusing on Jesus’ love and guidance.

Hebrews 4:14

Great High Priest


Hebrews 13:20

Great Shepherd


Psalm 48:14



The H’s



Deuteronomy 10:17



Jeremiah 32:18



“the greatest”

Colossians 1:18

Head of The Body


Ephesians 5:23

Head Of The Church


Hebrews 1:2

Heir of All Things


Hebrews 3:1

High Priest


Hebrews 6:20

High Priest Forever


Acts 2:27 

Holy One


Isaiah 49:7

Holy One Of Israel



Genesis 1:2



John 15:26



Isaiah 61:1



Ezekiel 37:1



Numbers 11:17



Numbers 27:18



Genesis 6:3



Psalms 51:11


Holy Spirit

the Spirit of God, the Spirit of the Lord God, the Spirit of the Lord, the Spirit, my Spirit, your Spirit

Titus 2:13



Luke 1:69

Horn of Salvation



Mark 5:7



Luke 1:32



Luke 1:76





The I’s



Exodus 3:14



John 8:58


I Am


2 Cor. 4:4

Image of God


Hebrews 1:3 (kjv)

Image of His Person


Isaiah 7:14


Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace


The J’s


Genesis 2:4

Jehovah – Yahweh

“God’s divine salvation”

Exodus 31:13

Jehovah -Maccaddeshem

  “The Lord thy sanctifier”

Psalm 23:1

Jehovah – Rohi

“The Lord my shepherd”

Ezekiel 48:35

Jehovah – Shammah

“The Lord who is present”

Exodus 15:26

 Jehovah – Rapha

“The Lord our healer”

Jeremiah 23:6

Jehovah – Tsidkenu

“The Lord our righteousness”

Genesis 22:13-14

Jehovah – Jireh

“The Lord will provide”

Exodus 17:15

 Jehovah – Nissi

“The Lord our banner”

Judges 6:24

Jehovah – Shalom

 “The Lord is peace”

Isaiah 6:1-3

Jehovah – Sabbaoth

 “The Lord of Hosts”

Jeremiah 51:6

Jehovah – Gmolah

“The God of Recompense”

Exodus 34:14 (kjv)



Psalm 83:18 (kjv)



Matthew 1:21



Romans 6:23

Jesus Christ Our Lord



Isaiah 33:22



Acts 10:42




The K’s


Zechariah 9:9



1 Timothy 1:17

King Eternal


1 Timothy 6:15

King of Kings


Revelation 15:3

King of Kings Ages



“Lord,” is used to express the Old Testament names Yahweh and ‘Adonai. Kurios means, “power”

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