Welcome to the Newest Update to “Heavens Beauty – Wisdom of Jesus”

John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Repentance (18)


I have separated the Categories into parts, and their contents as the Main Sitemap was to large and to long. It is hard to Navigate, so I did it this way to help you find what Subject/Topic you wish to see. I am trying to get everything moved over into WordPress from Html, and due to Adobe stopped supporting flash, the menus no-longer work. So, I had no choice in doing it this way. Thank You and May God Bless You and Your Family Always and Forever!

  1. 12 Statements About Death
  2. 20 things About Confessed Sins
  3. 20 Things UnConfessed Sins Do
  4. Are You Repenting of Your Sins NEW
  5. Confession Of Jesus Christ & Of A Sinner
  6. God’s Gift of Repentance NEW
  7. Gods Word On Repentance
  8. Helping The Less Fortunate
  9. How Do We Pray
  10. How To Become a Christian
  11. Liberty of God
  12. Meaning Of Grace
  13. My Thoughts From God
  14. Psalm 36 Sin and Evil NEW
  15. Repentance Is Essential
  16. Resisting Your Temptations
  17. Salvation is Inclusive Word
  18. Sinners Prayer For You



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Heavens-Beauty Website Our Sister Site

Dont Forget We have a Sister "Heavns-Beauty" Website also!

It also is a Prayer Website, with lots of Information on it as well. We will be Updating it soon, even though it is done in WordPress! You can go there Anytime your heart desires! If, you like Our Christian websites Let us know and Pass them along as you go along! Click Here!