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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

2014 Bible Reading Plan

This is way back in 2014 but it is something which can help us all in our Bible Reading. Just take note WP doesn’t care for tables and what you can do with them, and their colors, so if they do not look right to you, I am very sorry! I did them like this so you can determine easily which Column you are on for the month!

2014 Bible Reading Plan

2014 Bible Reading Plan


1 Genesis 1,2,3 Matt. 1,2
2 Genesis 4,5 Matt. 3
3 Genesis 6,7 Matt. 4
4 Genesis 8,9 Matt. 5
5 Genesis 10,11 Matt. 6
6 Genesis 12,13 Matt. 7
7 Genesis 14,15 Matt. 8
8 Genesis 16-18 Matt.9,10
9 Genesis 19,20 Matt. 11
10 Genesis 21,22 Matt. 12
11 Genesis 23,24 Matt. 13
12 Genesis 25,26 Matt. 14
13 Genesis 27,28 Matt. 15
14 Genesis 29,30 Matt. 16
15 Gen. 31-33 Matt. 17,18
16 Genesis 34,35 Matt. 19
17 Genesis 36,37 Matt. 20
18 Genesis 38,39 Matt. 21
19 Genesis 40,41 Matt. 22
20 Genesis 42,43 Matt. 23
21 Genesis 44,45 Matt. 24
22 Gen. 46-48 Matt. 25,26
23 Genesis 49,50 Matt. 27
24 Exodus 1,2 Matt. 28
25 Exodus 3,4 Mark 1
26 Exodus 5,6 Mark 2
27 Exodus 7,8 Mark 3
28 Exodus 9,10 Mark 4
29 Exodus 11,12,13 Mark 5,6
30 Exodus 14,15 Mark 7
31 Exodus 16,17 Mark 8


1 Exodus 18,19 Mark 9
2 Exodus 20,21 Mark 10
3 Exodus 22,23 Mark 11
4 Exodus 24,25 Mark 12
5 Exodus 26-28 Mark 13,14
6 Exodus 29,30 Mark 15
7 Exodus 31,32 Mark 16
8 Exodus 33,34 Luke 1
9 Exodus 35,36 Luke 2
10 Exodus 37,38 Luke 3
11 Exodus 39,40 Luke 4
12 Leviticus 1,2,3 Luke 5,6
13 Leviticus 4,5 Luke 7
14 Leviticus 6,7 Luke 8
15 Leviticus 8,9 Luke 9
16 Leviticus 10,11 Luke 10
17 Leviticus 12,13 Luke 11
18 Leviticus 14,15 Luke 12
19 Leviticus 16-18
Luke 13,14
20 Leviticus 19,20 Luke 15
21 Leviticus 21,22 Luke 16
22 Leviticus 23,24 Luke 17
23 Leviticus 25,26 Luke 18
24 Lev. 27; Num. 1 Luke  19
25 Numbers 2,3 Luke 20
26 Numbers 4-6 Luke 21,22
27 Numbers 7:1-48 Luke 23
28 Numbers 7:49-78 Luke 24


1 Numbers 7:79-89,8 John 1
2 Numbers 9,10 John 2
3 Numbers 11,12 John 3
4 Numbers 13,14 John 4
5 Numbers 15,16,17 John 5,6
6 Numbers 18,19 John 7
7 Numbers 20,21 John 8
8 Numbers 22,23 John 9
9 Numbers 24,25 John 10
10 Numbers 26 John 11
11 Numbers 27,28 John 12
12 Num. 29,30,31:1-24
John 13,14
13 Num. 31:25-54; 32
John 15
14 Numbers 33 John 16
15 Numbers 34,35 John 17
16 Num. 36; Deut. 1 John 18
17 Deut. 2,3 John 19
18 Deut. 4,5 John 20
19 Deut. 6-8 John 21; Acts 1
20 Deut. 9,10 Acts 2
21 Deut. 11,12 Acts 3
22 Deut. 13,14 Acts 4
23 Deut. 15,16 Acts 5
24 Deut. 17,18 Acts 6
25 Deut. 19,20 Acts 7
26 Deut. 21,22,23 Acts 8,9
27 Deut. 24,25 Acts 10
28 Deut. 26,27 Acts 11
29 Deut. 28,29 Acts 12
30 Deut. 30,31 Acts 13
31 Deut. 32,33 Acts 14


1 Deut. 34; Joshua 1 Acts 15
2 Joshua 2,3,4 Acts 16,17
3 Joshua 5,6 Acts 18
4 Joshua 7,8 Acts 19
5 Joshua 9,10 Acts 20
6 Joshua 11,12 Acts 21
7 Joshua 13,14 Acts 22
8 Joshua 15 Acts 23
9 Joshua 16-18 Acts 24,25
10 Joshua 19,20 Acts 26
11 Joshua 21,22 Acts 27
12 Joshua 23,24 Acts 28
13 Judges 1,2 Romans 1
14 Judges 3,4 Romans 2
15 Judges 5,6 Romans 3
16 Judges 7,8,9 Romans 4,5
17 Judges 10,11 Romans 6
18 Judges 12,13 Romans 7
19 Judges 14,15 Romans 8
20 Judges 16,17 Romans 9
21 Judges 18,19 Romans 10
22 Judges 20,21 Romans 11
23 Ruth 1,2,3 Romans 12,13
24 Ruth 4; I Samuel 1
Romans 14
25 I Samuel 2,3 Romans 15
26 I Samuel 4,5 Romans 16
27 I Samuel 6,7 I Cor. 1
28 I Samuel 8,9 I Cor. 2
29 I Samuel 10,11 I Cor. 3
30 I Samuel 12,13,14
I Cor. 4,5


1 I Samuel 15,16 I Cor. 6
2 I Samuel 17,18 I Cor. 7
3 I Samuel 19,20 I Cor. 8
4 I Samuel 21,22 I Cor. 9
5 I Samuel 23,24 I Cor. 10
6 I Samuel 25,26 I Cor. 11
7 I Sam. 27-29 I Cor. 12,13
8 I Samuel 30,31 I Cor. 14
9 II Samuel 1,2 I Cor. 15
10 II Samuel 3,4 I Cor. 16
11 II Samuel 5,6 II Cor. 1
12 II Samuel 7,8 II Cor. 2
13 II Samuel 9,10 II Cor. 3
14 II Sam. 11-13 II Cor. 4,5
15 II Samuel 14,15 II Cor. 6
16 II Samuel 16,17 II Cor. 7
17 II Samuel 18,19 II Cor. 8
18 II Samuel 20,21 II Cor. 9
19 II Samuel 22,23 II Cor. 10
20 II Sam. 24; I Kings 1
II Cor. 11
21 I Kings 2-4 II Cor. 12,13
22 I Kings 5,6 Galatians 1
23 I Kings 7,8 Galatians 2
24 I Kings 9,10 Galatians 3
25 I Kings 11,12 Galatians 4
26 I Kings 13,14 Galatians 5
27 I Kings 15,16 Galatians 6
28 I Kings 17,18,19
Ephesians 1,2
29 I Kings 20,21 Ephesians 3
30 I Kings 22; II Kings 1
Ephesians 4
31 II Kings 2,3 Ephesians 5


1 II Kings 4,5 Ephesians 6
2 II Kings 6,7 Philippians 1
3 II Kings 8,9 Philippians 2
4 II Kings 10-12 Philip. 3,4
5 II Kings 13,14 Colossians 1
6 II Kings 15,16 Colossians 2
7 II Kings 17,18 Colossians 3
8 II Kings 19,20 Colossians 4
9 II Kings 21,22 I Thess. 1
10 II Kings 23,24 I Thess. 2
11 II Kings 25; I Chron. 1,2
I Thess. 3,4
12 I Chron. 3,4 I Thess. 5
13 I Chron. 5,6 II Thess. 1
14 I Chron. 7,8 II Thess. 2
15 I Chron. 9,10 II Thess. 3
16 I Chron. 11,12 I Tim. 1
17 I Chron. 13,14 I Tim. 2
18 I Chron. 15-17 I Tim. 3,4
19 I Chron. 18,19 I Tim. 5
20 I Chron. 20,21 I Tim. 6
21 I Chron. 22,23 II Tim. 1
22 I Chron. 24,25 II Tim. 2
23 I Chron. 26,27 II Tim. 3
24 I Chron. 28,29 II Tim. 4
25 II Chron. 1,2,3 Titus 1,2
26 II Chron. 4,5 Titus 3
27 II Chron. 6,7 Philemon
28 II Chron. 8,9 Hebrews 1
29 II Chron. 10,11 Hebrews 2
30 II Chron. 12,13 Hebrews 3



1 II Chron. 14,15 Hebrews 4
2 II Chron. 16-18 Heb. 5,6
3 II Chron. 19,20 Hebrews 7
4 II Chron. 21,22 Hebrews 8
5 II Chron. 23,24 Hebrews 9
6 II Chron. 25,26 Hebrews 10
7 II Chron. 27,28 Hebrews 11
8 II Chron. 29,30 Hebrews 12
9 II Chron. 31-33 Heb. 13;
Jms. 1
10 II Chron. 34,35 James 2
11 II Chron. 36; Ezra 1
James 3
12 Ezra 2,3 James 4
13 Ezra 4,5 James 5
14 Ezra 6,7 I Peter 1
15 Ezra 8,9 I Peter 2
16 Ezra 10; Neh. 1,2
I Peter 3,4
17 Nehemiah 3,4 I Peter 5
18 Nehemiah 5,6 II Peter 1
19 Nehemiah 7,8 II Peter 2
20 Nehemiah 9,10 II Peter 3
21 Nehemiah 11,12 I John 1
22 Neh. 13; Esther 1 I John 2
23 Esther 2,3,4 I John 3,4
24 Esther 5,6 I John 5
25 Esther 7,8 II John
26 Esther 9,10 III John
27 Job 1,2 Jude
28 Job 3,4 Revelation 1
29 Job 5,6 Revelation 2
30 Job 7,8,9 Revelation 3
31 Job 10,11 Revelation 4


1 Job 12,13 Revelation 5
2 Job 14,15 Revelation 6
3 Job 16,17 Revelation 7
4 Job 18,19 Revelation 8
5 Job 20,21 Revelation 9
6 Job 22,23,24 Rev. 10,11
7 Job 25,26 Revelation 12
8 Job 27,28 Revelation 13
9 Job 29,30 Revelation 14
10 Job 31,32 Revelation 15
11 Job 33,34 Revelation 16
12 Job 35,36 Revelation 17
13 Job 37,38,39 Rev. 18,19
14 Job 40,41 Revelation 20
15 Job 42; Proverbs 1
Revelation 21
16 Proverbs 2,3 Rev. 22
17 Proverbs 4,5 Psalms 1
18 Proverbs 6,7 Psalms 2
19 Proverbs 8,9 Psalms 3
20 Proverbs 10-12 Ps. 4,5
21 Proverbs 13,14 Psalms 6
22 Proverbs 15,16 Psalms 7
23 Proverbs 17,18 Psalms 8
24 Proverbs 19,20 Psalms 9
25 Proverbs 21,22 Psalms 10
26 Proverbs 23,24 Psalms 11
27 Proverbs 25-27 Ps. 12,13
28 Proverbs 28,29 Psalms 14
29 Proverbs 30,31 Psalms 15
30 Eccl. 1,2 Psalms 16
31 Eccl. 3,4 Psalms 17



1 Eccl. 5,6 Psalms 18
2 Eccl. 7,8 Psalms 19
3 Eccl. 9,10,11 Ps. 20,21
4 Eccl. 12; Song of Sol. 1
Psalms 22
5 Song of Sol. 2,3 Ps. 23
6 Song of Sol. 4,5 Ps. 24
7 Song of Sol. 6,7 Ps. 25
8 Song of Sol. 8; Isaiah 1
Psalms 26
9 Isaiah 2,3 Psalms 27
10 Isaiah 4,5,6 Ps. 28,29
11 Isaiah 7,8 Psalms 30
12 Isaiah 9,10 Psalms 31
13 Isaiah 11,12 Psalms 32
14 Isaiah 13,14 Psalms 33
15 Isaiah 15,16 Psalms 34
16 Isaiah 17,18 Psalms 35
17 Isaiah 19,20,21 Ps. 36,37
18 Isaiah 22,23 Psalms 38
19 Isaiah 24,25 Psalms 39
20 Isaiah 26,27 Psalms 40
21 Isaiah 28,29 Psalms 41
22 Isaiah 30,31 Psalms 42
23 Isaiah 32,33 Psalms 43
24 Isaiah 34-36 Ps. 44,45
25 Isaiah 37,38 Psalms 46
26 Isaiah 39,40 Psalms 47
27 Isaiah 41,42 Psalms 48
28 Isaiah 43,44 Psalms 49
29 Isaiah 45,46 Psalms 50
30 Isaiah 47,48 Psalms 51



1 Isaiah 49,50,51 Ps. 52,53
2 Isaiah 52,53 Psalms 54
3 Isaiah 54,55 Psalms 55
4 Isaiah 56,57 Psalms 56
5 Isaiah 58,59 Psalms 57
6 Isaiah 60,61 Psalms 58
7 Isaiah 62,63 Psalms 59
8 Isaiah 64,65,66 Ps. 60,61
9 Jeremiah 1,2 Psalms 62
10 Jeremiah 3,4 Psalms 63
11 Jeremiah 5,6 Psalms 64
12 Jeremiah 7,8 Psalms 65
13 Jeremiah 9,10 Psalms 66
14 Jeremiah 11,12 Ps. 67
15 Jeremiah 13-15 Ps. 68,69
16 Jeremiah 16,17 Ps. 70
17 Jeremiah 18,19 Ps. 71
18 Jeremiah 20,21 Ps. 72
19 Jeremiah 22,23 Ps. 73
20 Jeremiah 24,25 Ps. 74
21 Jeremiah 26,27 Ps. 75
22 Jeremiah 28-30 Ps. 76,77
23 Jeremiah 31,32 Ps. 78
24 Jeremiah 33,34 Ps. 79
25 Jeremiah 35,36 Ps. 80
26 Jeremiah 37,38 Ps. 81
27 Jeremiah 39,40 Ps. 82
28 Jeremiah 41,42 Ps. 83
29 Jeremiah 43-45 Ps. 84,85
30 Jeremiah 46,47 Ps. 86
31 Jeremiah 48,49 Ps. 87


1 Jeremiah 50,51 Psalms 88
2 Jer. 52; Lam. 1 Psalms 89
3 Lamentations 2,3 Ps. 90
4 Lamentations 4,5 Ps. 91
5 Ezekiel 1,2,3 Psalms 92,93
6 Ezekiel 4,5 Psalms 94
7 Ezekiel 6,7 Psalms 95
8 Ezekiel 8,9 Psalms 96
9 Ezekiel 10,11 Psalms 97
10 Ezekiel 12,13 Psalms 98
11 Ezekiel 14,15 Psalms 99
12 Ezekiel 16-18 Ps. 100,101
13 Ezekiel 19,20 Psalms 102
14 Ezekiel 21,22 Psalms 103
15 Ezekiel 23,24 Psalms 104
16 Ezekiel 25,26 Psalms 105
17 Ezekiel 27,28 Psalms 106
18 Ezekiel 29,30 Psalms 107
19 Ezekiel 31-33 Ps. 108,109
20 Ezekiel 34,35 Psalms 110
21 Ezekiel 36,37 Psalms 111
22 Ezekiel 38,39 Psalms 112
23 Ezekiel 40,41 Psalms 113
24 Ezekiel 42,43 Psalms 114
25 Ezekiel 44,45 Psalms 115
26 Ezekiel 46-48 Ps. 116, 117
27 Daniel 1,2 Psalms 118
28 Daniel 3,4 Ps. 119:1-24
29 Daniel 5,6 Ps. 119:25-49
30 Daniel 7,8 Ps. 119:50-72


1 Daniel 9,10 Ps. 119:73-96
2 Dan. 11,12 Ps. 119:97-120
3 Hosea 1,2,3
Psalms 119:121-144
4 Hosea 4,5
Psalms 119:145-176
5 Hosea 6,7 Psalms 120
6 Hosea 8,9 Psalms 121
7 Hosea 10,11 Psalms 122
8 Hosea 12,13 Psalms 123
9 Hosea 14; Joel 1 Ps. 124
10 Joel 2,3; Amos 1
Psalms 125,126
11 Amos 2,3 Psalms 127
12 Amos 4,5 Psalms 128
13 Amos 6,7 Psalms 129
14 Amos 8,9 Psalms 130
15 Obadiah; Jonah 1 Ps. 131
16 Jonah 2,3 Psalms 132
17 Jonah 4; Micah 1,2
Psalms 133,134
18 Micah 3,4 Psalms 135
19 Micah 5,6 Psalms 136
20 Micah 7; Nah. 1,2,3
Psalms 137
21 Habakkuk 1,2,3 Ps. 138
22 Zephaniah 1,2,3 Ps. 139
23 Haggai 1,2 Psalms 140
24 Zechariah 1,2,3
Psalms 141,142
25 Zechariah 4,5 Psalms 143
26 Zechariah 6,7 Psalms 144
27 Zechariah 8,9 Psalms 145
28 Zechariah 10,11 Ps. 146
29 Zechariah 12,13 Ps. 147
30 Zech.14; Mal. 1 Ps. 148
31 Malachi 2,3,4
Psalms 149,150

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