Bible Word Definitions– Scott Stanley
Bible Word Definitions — Scott Stanley
Now one word I’m going to be touching on as we go through the word definitions is the word “spiritual.” I am really going to key on what that word means. Regardless of how you
understand soul and spirit, regardless of what that means to you, spirit is an inward thing. Now when I say the word spiritual, at one time in my life it meant simply anything in the Bible,
anything coming from God – but I would like to further define that. There are two things that come to my mind when the word spiritual is used: Number one, coming from the spirit –
coming from God; but number two is applied inwardly – applied to the spirit. If it is spiritual, it isn’t just simply something about the scripture, some Bible story – but it is a meaning, a word
being given an inward meaning. Spiritual means of the spirit, applied to the inward man – “spiritual.”
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