Not Nice To Hold Grudges Part 2
Not Nice To Hold Grudges Part 2
In Leviticus 25, it talks about “grudges” are you by chance holding any grudges against someone? Are you demanding from someone something that you need to forgive them for, something that they may have done to you in past or present, lied on you, called you names, stolen from you?
Leviticus, tells us about the year of Jubilee, which all debts were forgiven and all debtors were pardoned and set free.
When we are in Christ Jesus, we can have a Jubilee every single day. We can say to those that has offended us that has wronged us, “I have forgiven you and I release you from this debt, you can now go and are free. I leave you in God’s hands to let Him deal with you, because if I keep trying, He won’t.”
Bible, clearly tells us we are not to hold grudges of any kind, to hold a person in perpetual debt, just as we ourselves are not to be indebted to anyone else.
In Romans 13:8 tells us “Keep out of debt and owe no man anything, except love one another.”
We need to learn to keep and forgive those who have wronged us, keep praying for them, by canceling this debts to us.
We need to realize we can have our own sins forgiven continually through repentance and through faith In Jesus Christ. This way we can always live and enjoy the year of Jubilee!
Jesus has already paid our debt for us. God can say to us, “You don’t owe me anything anymore!”
Our trouble is either that we are still trying to pay our debts to the Lord, or we are still trying to collect debts from the others. Just as God canceled our debts and forgave us of them, so we are to cancel the debts of others and forgive them what they owe us.
So, if you are holding any type of Grudges towards someone, free them and let them feel freed by the debt!
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