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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Gossip And Being Nosey Nose

Never tell things you know someone asks you not to always respect another person's trust and the confidence they have in you“Are You Being Nosey”

In the Bible God gives perfect instructions and it tells us and warns us about being filled with gossip, and being busy bodies.

How can you relate to all you hear? Do you spread everything you are told? Are you keeping someone’s secrets?

Never tell things you know someone asks you not to always respect another person’s trust and the confidence they have in you.

Never be a blabber mouth, because God cannot stand a “blabber mouth” when you cannot keep your mouth shut about other people’s business or things someone has entrusted you with!

Leviticus 19:15 Keep those secrets, never be a dispenser of gossip and never spread rumors about someone else… leave it be, let it be!!!!

Being a “Blabber Mouth” only gives you a bad name, and ruins your reputation, no to mention Christians that blab, isn’t making it look for, for the person who is seeking Jesus and wanting to find “Freedom” in Him.

Let’s put it this way, if you was talking to one of your friends, or family member about things which you are dealing with would you want them going around telling your business to other’s that is totally none of their business?

Naw, don’t think you would!

Never, give the devil the satisfaction, of being what he is, and causing trouble and dismays, because all it will do, as I said gives you a bad name and it doesn’t look good for Christians, because some people, just may think that’s how we are to act.

When one spreads someone else’s business it may cause trouble and strife for someone else, and that is also a sin… so keep that mouth closed!

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