Equal Opportunity Employer
Matthew 25:1-10, speaks about 10 virgins who had the same opportunity, only thing was only half of them were prepared to take it.
Then surely there were people who needed oil to provide light, 5 virgins were very wise and they had their extra oil in hand, but the other 5 virgins were foolish. They lost out on the opportunity due to, they did not keep their lamps filled with the oil.
When the bridegroom came, the 5 virgins which did not make sure they had plenty of oil, they all missed out because they were lazy when they should have been working and were running around trying to buy more oil for their lamps at the wrong time.
One thing we know for sure is: God is an “EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER!”
He does not care or does it matter to Him what kind of parents, family life you have had or have, what color your skin is, or your gender, your education you received or your physical or mental handicaps, all these things do NOT matter to Him.
In God we all have the same Opportunity as the next person—— EQUAL OPPORTUNITY!!!!
Anyone which follows God’s guide lines and do what He tells them (us) to do can be blessed and can and will be used by Him. The 10 Virgins had that same “Opportunity”, only 5 of them were willing to do their part.
God created all of us, He put potential in each and every person, and if we listen and we do what He wants us to do, and all of us are willing to develop, we will see all the wonderful things begin to take place in our lives.
Please do your part, don’t think you cannot because you can, don’t get left out of the most wonderful and awesome opportunity. Don’t be foolish and miss the opportunity like the 5 virgins who were lazy, they lost out big time.
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