Patience Is An Active Force
Patience Is An Active Force
When dreams and visions are challenged by the perplexities of life, patience enables us to persevere.
Patience is the capacity of calm endurance, and it defines a patient person as someone who is capable of bearing delay, and is not hasty.
Other definitions for patience are:
Long suffering, lack of anxiety, and voluntarily controlling yourself and your feelings.
Perseverance is defined as adherence to a course of action, belief or purpose, without giving way.
Persistence is a steady, continuous plodding forward toward a goal with no faltering or turning aside or stopping to take a break.
Patience is calm endurance that comes from understanding. The understanding that God is in control, and that He causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.
Patience is a characteristic of self-discipline. It means being steadfast, unmovable, stabilized in your emotions and always the same regardless of circumstances.
None of these definitions really communicate the idea of inactivity, all of them on the other hand, involve concept of self-control.
Christians point of view, we would say, is that patience is self control born out of the trust of the Lord.
One key of the distinctions of a stable person is control of emotions. People who are impatient are up and down.
They waiver in their faith and allow circumstances to control them and wrong influences to steer them off course. They are not persistent, because impatience causes them to operate in ‘fits and starts’, to lose their momentum in the race.
Hebrews 10:36 says: We have need for patience after doing the will of God, that we might receive the promise.
Hebrews 11 says: On the value and rewards of patience, how did those victorious Christians go about inheriting the promises?
Through faith and patience, the Bible says.
Hebrews 12 tells us: That we are being watched and challenged to exercise our own faith.
Example, we should run with patience.
Again, we see patience as something active, a force that motivates us to press forward, to run toward our own goal with persistence and steadfastness.
We are surrounded by examples of men and women of faith, who did not give up or quit believing, in spite of opposition that sometimes goes to the point of actual persecution. When everything looked like it was over, they did not cease believing. They weren’t moved by circumstances, because their lives were firmly based on the foundation of God’s word and His promises.
They understood the spiritual dimension of patience and that kept them on course, running the race. The more we learn and practice what the word of God says, about faith and patience, the less we will be moved by the ups and downs of the tides of life, and the less we will be influenced by circumstances.
We will run the race with patience and perseverance and so inherit God’s promises to us.
“Action is related to patience and persistence”.
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