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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Things Which People Should Not Have to Apologize For

I Will NOT APOLOGIZE for believing and Trusting and having Faith in a God that I know is there for me and I need Him in my life

Things Which People Should Not Have to Apologize For

This I felt I needed to write, so many people get mad and upset about other’s trying to do what’s right and trying to be a good person.

This is a part of my life, my main family , and friends and it hurt’s me so bad to know that God has Blessed Me, and then what God has blessed me with, people get mad at me for trying to be a good person, always trying to have a good heart and opened hands.

I ever since I was young, I would give the shirt or shorts off my back to help someone. I have always been this way, because my parents brought me up the right way. They taught us kids, and my adopted sister’s the same as they have taught us.

There is many things we shouldn’t have to “apologize for” and my family seems to make me feel  small and unworthy sometimes that no matter how good of a person I try to be, people get mad at me, curse me, telling me that I think I am too good for other’s, or I am acting like I am Ms. Perfect, or I am trying to be miss goody two shoes, or I am not acting like a Christian because I cannot answer them right when they wish me to, I cannot talk to them when I am expected to, I cannot go run out when they want me to, or I cannot help them fix something, I have gotten accused of being a bad person, selfish person, and these reason’s are from people in my family, that I have and my husband have bent over back wards to help.

Now, we have done many things to prove our love for everyone, and I am so tired of being shown that I am to be a bad person, because I try to help everyone which is in need of help.

We get lied on, talked bad about, used, abused without respect, and cursed at, stolen from, lied to, friendships abused and used to get what they want then boom, they don’t come around, they don’t call, or text, but we are the ones, who don’t care or love them.

We get told, that we are B____’s and A____’s and we are the blame for this and that. Sometimes, I feel like I need to apologize for trying to be a good person, and always being there for friends and family, no matter what I have to go through to do just that.

We are to be sorry, even when we are NOT in the wrong, but… we are also to forgive before even asked for us to forgive someone. If, I offend someone and I am sure if I did, I will do what God expects me to and apologize, but If I did do something and are not aware of it, then it’s the person’s responsibility to come to me and let me know what it was that I was to have done to them, so I can clear it up and apologize to them , however if the person which I was to have offended does NOT come to me and be unprideful and let me know then I am unaware of needing to apologize for whatever it is I must have done, because of not knowing.

Here is what “Sorry” means and it doesn’t refer to being sorry for the good things people try to do for other’s or trying to better their walk with God :

sorry [sor-ee, sawr-ee]

adjective, sorrier, sorriest.

1. feeling regret, compunction, sympathy, pity, etc.
2. regrettable or deplorable; unfortunate; tragic:
3. sorrowful, grieved, or sad:
4. associated with sorrow; suggestive of grief or suffering; melancholy; dismal.
5. wretched, poor, useless, or pitiful: a sorry horse.
6. (used interjectionally as a conventional apology or expression of regret):


  • Being a Jesus Follower
  • Being a Good Person that God Changed me into
  • I will NOT Apologize for trying to be the Best I can be
  • I will NOT Apologize for trying to go beyond my means to be there for other’s
  • I Will NOT Apologize for trying my best to be a Good Christian
  • I Will NOT Apologize for wanting to go spend time in prayer and read my Bible before I return calls or text’s, emails
  • I Will NOT Apologize for trying my best to be a good mother, aunt, sister, daughter, niece, etc
  • I Will NOT Apologize for working hard on a website I am doing for the Lord, and not able to do allot of other things, which is NOT serving my quality of my time.
  • I WILL NOT APOLOGIZE for trying to be a good wife, and do what I can to try to get things done, and being there for my husband
  • I Will NOT APOLOGIZE for believing and Trusting and having Faith in a God that I know is there for me and I need Him in my life.
  • I Will NOT APOLOGIZE for being there for my mother, and trying to help her in all I feel she needs and showing her my truest love for her.

But, I will Apologize for not being on a person’s level which they expect me to be on, when I am doing all I can to do and be all I can be!


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