Welcome to the Newest Update to “Heavens Beauty – Wisdom of Jesus”

John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Taking Responsibility

We all need to be willing to take responsibility in doing what God wants us to do, and all that He wants to give to us.Taking Responsibility

We all need to be willing to take responsibility in doing what God wants us to do, and all that He wants to give to us.

We all need to take it seriously like Joshua did, when Moses did the job God gave him was a serious one and we need to be determined and serious about what God gives us to do as well.

We need to see what’s more important to us, our selfish ways or God’s will for our lives. When we think of only our wants and needs, how is God to work in us if we do not heed His will for us?

God, knows better in what we need and how we should be and act, even in our words. And, when we seem to fall away, if we allow God to enter into our lives and work His mighty blessings in our lives we will see so much goodness in our life and in the lives of other’s.

We have to take responsibility in what we should be doing for God. That’s just like, when we do something and we know it’s wrong well we take the responsibility into knowing we need to apologize for what we did wrong to those whom we did the wrong to.

So, why not be willing to do what God wants you to do, and take on the responsibility of what He wants you to do…….just a reminder, look what all He did for you!


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