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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

You Can Finish Well

You Can Finish Well

Nehemiah 6:15


One thing we know by reading the book of Nehemiah is that Nehemiah finished what he started. God uses people who knows how to complete what they start.

Some though, stop before they cross the finish line, it’s not because they get sick, they loose the exciting emotions to complete what they start.

I have had so many obstacles get in my way, as mentioned before in my other topics, I have written. This past year 2014, lost my oldest sister, my husband lost 2 of his. Then I got sick, my mother got sick and was in and out of er, several times.

Things like this I believe the Lord understands, but just to not finish because of laziness –– you need to press forward.

The ones who start and stick to it are those who win. Not, those who start with excitement that win. God made us to be finishers –– NOT Quitters!!


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