Uncommon Things – Common People
“Those Uncommon Things – Common People“
There is nothing more I’d rather do or be than be used by God. Still to this day I want so much to be used by God, doing His will, doing something awesome to make up for all the times I have missed the mark, missing the chance to do something for Him that He will be proud of me for.
Reason I say this is because, of all the mistakes I have made, in my life, things that I did and said was an embarrassment not only to me but God as well, and the things I have said that hurt those whom didn’t deserve it many many years ago, I was a basket case and was so into doing my own things, I just didn’t care at the time.
Being abused ,beat on, cheated on, lied to used, left to starve, raped not once but several times, I lost a baby, I just had that attitude I just didn’t care, I lived wrong and I was young but I was on my own and I made mistakes but, later through the years I began to get my act together even though I have had a rough life after I left home, I knew God was with me even then, I knew that He was watching over me, because if He wasn’t I would’ve been dead.
There were a few instances in my life I should have been dead, but God saved me, He knew I was wanting to live for Him, and He knew that I needed Him and I am here today to tell you GOD IS GREAT, GOD IS GOOD, GOD IS AWESOME, HE’S WONDERFUL, HE’S MERCIFUL and HE’S AN AWESOME GOD!
But after all my failures and dismays I have had in my life , things I have went through, things I have done that I allowed my life to go through —– I stopped and looked back in all that my parents taught me, and it made me wake up and see just what all I’ve done in my life that wasn’t good at all, and wasn’t living for the main one I should have been living for, and that was GOD, JESUS!
I asked God, to forgive me over and over again, because I still to this day 11-6-2013 I am ashamed of all the mess I have done in my past, things I have said, things I’ve done, that I have caused. The reason I am telling you all this , is because I am still struggling in areas of my life, I am just a common person, with a common life, who has made mistakes, that hadn’t lived right all of her life, and that is what this article is about!
But, I am one of those common people, and I have done so many undesirable things in my life, many of us has, that I wish I’ve never ever done —– because I do Love My Lord Jesus Christ and I am not never have been perfect. Then again, I am striving to be perfect, but God has been using me and my talents which He gifted me with.
There are so many times, I still wonder if, I am good enough to keep on, and I do wonder if, I am good enough to get to heaven. But, I still try and do my best to be all I can be, and I continue to fight to be a better person.
I read, Joyce Meyer’s Everyday Life Bible, and most of her examples she gives in her bible it seems like most of them pertain to myself, and how my life is or was. And, that’s when I came across this one about the ‘Common People and Uncommon Things”, I noticed when I was reading it, that sounded sort of like me.
I was always the kind of person who could get the plans going, get people together and get something done, I felt like I was a leader, but was I really?
As I mentioned before I want so much to be used by God in a great way, I want so much to always hear His voice, His ideas He has for me, I want so much to be able to just close my eyes and Just feel His spirit all over me — and for Him to approve of how hard I am trying to be all I can be.
If, we want to be a leader, we have to totally be in trust with God, what I mean is, We have to TRUST GOD WHOLEHEARTEDLY, and give Him our whole being, we must let Him take control of all we are, all we have and most important our heart and soul we have to give to Him.
God, is always looking for people to promote into new plans, which He has for us. And, like Joyce Meyers says: “we can be one of them. Just like Joshua, we have tremendous capabilities and potential, all we need to do, but we have to develop them. Which it does involve allowing God to change us and mold us”
This can cause us hurt sometimes, but in the long run we will benefit from it. Some people though are born with natural leadership qualities, then again they still must got through the processes of development which makes them into all they can be. Even though leadership is attainable, don’t look at it only to be used by certain individuals with those great talents. Because , God uses all kinds of people, no matter their past or how their lives were, or things they are still struggling with.
God, so delights in using common people to accomplish those uncommon things!
Common people with uncommon goals, who make an uncommon commitment can also help with uncommon number of people! You and I can developer leadership qualities which God has for us and which He has placed inside us we just need to remember that we are investing in the future!
We can fulfil the plan God has for us, but we must be also, determined to do it, and refuse to let anything or anyone stop it, and we must refuse to be anything less that all we can be.
The Major Key: to be moving from where we are now to where we want to be is to “KEEP ON KEEPING ON.”
So, we can be developed into, full potential and as we go forward to that, we have to encourage other people to do the same as well. Be all we can be and we need to help others be all they can be to!
We can be miraculous, we can be all we can be, we can be what God wants us to be, we need to trust in and rely on God to help us and He will always be there for us, no matter what, no matter what we’ve been through, no matter what we’ve done in our lives and past, no matter what we are here now and we are going to move forward and God helped us get there!
As I mentioned after all the awful things I have done in my past —- God I feel is using me to reach thousands of people with this website to be able to let them see and understand things, that they may not have understood before in their lives, like helping them along their way. Without God Helping me —- I wouldn’t be here now!
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