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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Hurting and Forgiving

We are to forgive as many as 7 x 7 and than means always, never ending, never refusing to forgive anyone, because when we do not forgive other's, then how can we go to God and ask for forgiveness for all we have done and said, you can't

Hurting and Forgiving
Matthew 18: 21-35

There are many times I have been hurt by others more, I think from family verbally others have hurt me physically.

But, I have never had a problem in not forgiving anyone for the harm they have done to me. But, there are many in my family that just won’t forgive – I always pay “I may never forget it, but I do and will forgive.”

And, this is what we must do, how can a person go to God and ask for forgiveness, when you have to forgive others as well.

You have to forgive others, whether they come to you and ask you to forgive them or not. If it is something you have done to them, then I urge you to ask them to forgive you, so you then can go to Jesus and ask for forgiveness.

There are times which is very hard to be forgiving but we must be. It becomes very hard, when we keep getting hurt, offended, lied to, lied on, etc.

Forgiveness is one of the most Gracious gift of God’s he gives to us, and you have to give it back. As we receive forgiveness we are called to do the extended forgiveness to others and let it go.

No matter, how many times someone hurts us, or how many times someone has lied to us, called us names, stolen from us, and not willing to ask for that forgiveness, we are still to forgive them anyway.

We are to forgive as many as 7 x 7 and than means always, never ending, never refusing to forgive anyone, because when we do not forgive other’s, then how can we go to God and ask for forgiveness for all we have done and said, you can’t.

Jesus, never gave a limit to anyone, who hurt Him, look how many times, he was hurt, He was beaten, called names, blasphemed, spit at, kicked, and crucified. How can you determine how many times you are to say “I forgive you”?

I get told so many times from a family member,”I am not going to keep asking for forgiveness for something I already have, or I am not going to keep on saying I am sorry.”

If, we have offended anyone, we are to go to those whom we have offended, lied on, called names, stolen from etc, and ask them to forgive us, there is not a limit on how many times we are to ask for forgiveness when we have hurt someone, or someone has hurt us..

Even if they just keep doing it, still forgive them no matter what. Ask the Lord to help you forgive others, as you have been. Matthew 18:21-35


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