Is This Your Timing?
Is This Your Timing?
Ester 4:16
Mordecai, was speaking to Ester on God’s behalf ad he told her she wasn’t to stay silent. Because , if she did the Jewish people would perish. He also, reminded her, perhaps she was called by God, to the Kingdom for the very task , that was laid before her.
Queen Ester was asked to do something which was really difficult in order to help bring deliverance to her people. She ,ore than likely didn’t want to or feel like being in a challenging place where God had put her in. She probably did not want that responsibility, nor did she want to risk any personal harm, she knew could come to her.
Ester, being a young maiden she had her whole life ahead of her. She left her dreams behind, she had instructions to follow from the Lord, which seemed to be very dangerous.
Ester, was to go before the king and expose a wicked plot which was being against the Jews. There was no one allowed to go before this king unless they were invited – not even the queen.
Ester, knew this unless God gave her favor, she would be killed, Ester 4:16. She put everything on the line just to do God’s will.
We all have a purpose, God put everyone here for some reason or other. Our birth wasn’t an accident, the timing was set purposely –– God knew what He was doing. He purposely places us all in certain places and certain frames in a time and place.
So, many people try to live their lives never knowing their purpose in their lives, because they are so busy trying to follow their own timing and destiny not following God’s (the Holy Spirit.)
By, following God’s, it requires some sacrifices on our part, and willingness –– and may be uncomfortable at times, but He has His purpose.
Ester, she was willing to lay aside all her thoughts and her plans and her ideas. She was even willing to die if she needed to in order to Obey God. She was blessed extremely by God, because she followed God’s timing.
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