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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Balancing & Pruning 2

Are You Balancing & Pruning 1“Are You Balancing & Pruning 1”

In Genesis Chapter 1

Genesis 1, God communicates His desire for each of us in our lives, to be fruitful in everyway. There are two things which is necessary to live those fruitfully, and they are balancing and pruning.

To stay Balanced, we need to make sure we get right amounts of healthy nourishment, rest, walk and work, play, time with God alone, time to enjoy a godly relationship.

Pruning is not always a easy thing to go through or a pleasant thing, but it dopes help us to endure situations, activities, and even in relationships which deplete us which will not deplete us anymore.

It simply means something must get cut off, taken away out of our lives, but with God and His promises, of His great reward as the result. More fruitfulness than ever before.

Stay Balanced, let God, the wise one, the Great Master and Gardner prune your life as He see fits to do so, and you will live a FULL FRUITFUL LIFE and It Being BLESSED!


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