Becoming One With Each Other
“Becoming One With The Other”
Genesis 3:6
When two are joined together they become one. Just because you say I do, does not mean or make a couple — become one right away, it takes time. Genesis 2:24.
Process works itself out, each partner should hold their marriage in honor, esteem and hold the relationship worthy and precious. Treat each other as they are a valuable piece of gold.
Marriage is A 3 Step Process:
1. Leave — sometimes wives seem to cling to their mothers and her opinions, what she ought to do, or better do, or the husband goes to his father for advice, when really the couple needs to lean on each other, trust in each other. When two marry but not left home both physically and mentally, they need to do it immediately.
2. Cleave — Cleave means to stick to each other like glue.
3. Become One —- Becoming one means the complete and total union of the body, soul, spirit — and it does take time, but it can be done.
If the two people husband and wife, not husband and male deception, it’s male female combination are in a relationship are born again, then the spiritual union is already in place.
The most different part of “becoming one” is usually the uniting of two souls — joining of the two minds, wills, emotions.
Most problems in relationships and marriage, there is one who just don’t get it, they don’t want to do and be as they should be. many martial problems are in the area of the soul, which can be, due to strife of the lack of communication, sexual and sexual misunderstandings, money, disciplining the children, goals, jobs, adultery, lying, bringing up each other’s past, etc.
All these things has to be worked out, not just by words and promises, but within the soul of the marriage —- in order to become one in that area a husband and wife need to give all their issues and problems to God.
Tell God, Father I want you to change my mind or my will, if I’m wrong, please help me so I can be a better person, a better being.
God is One who will bring them into agreement with His will. So always give your marriage and family to God, give all your everything and He will work it out!
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