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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

NO OMG…. It’s Vain For GOD


“OMG is A Slang Word”

In Exodus 20:7, teaches us that we should know and learn “Gods” Power”, knowing God’s Power when you use His Name in Vain, is very important. NEVER take the Lord God’s Name in Vain. Don’t use His Name lightly, because if you do, you will be punished.

I hear so many people using God’s name in vain by putting the damn in the back of it was just using His name in vain, but I am finding out that there are so many ways which God’s name can be used in vain.

Everytime, I hear GD I am always getting mad and saying: “God does not damn He blesses, He only damns those who don’t listen.”

No matter how you look at it, and how you say it, you are saying “God’s name In Vain” it’s wrong and a sin!

Because, I thought that was the only way to use God’s Name in Vain was to use it with the “damn” word attached to it, but it isn’t – even saying “OMG, Oh My God, For Christ’s Sake, Oh Geeze” and even saying “Jesus Christ” in a statement that has nothing to do with Jesus is using His Name in Vain, words and phrases like that is saying God’s Name In Vain.

The Lord’s Name reveals and represents His Awesome and Devine Power and to say His name in vain you are breaking the 7th commandment over and over again. So please if you are doing this then “REPENT OF IT” and because the Lord’s Name is more special that you can even begin to realize, you are abusing His name above all Names He has.

Show God Love & Respect and repent of it, because He will forgive you, just ask Him. Ask God to reveal to you the Power of His Name to you. Honor His Name, Hold it Closely to your Heart, and Guard It!



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