Are You Worried Right Now
“Are You worried Right Now”
Matthew 6:25-31,34
Are you worried right now about anything? Jesus understood how burdensome and how destructive worry can be in our lives, and he does command us not to worry.
Instead, he calls us to look to God’s sure and faithful provision as the antidote to our worry.
Encourage yourself by remembering other times when God has provided for you and ask Him to help you trust Him for your every need instead of worrying.
I used to be a pure worry wart, and I am here to tell you, it does not do any good to worry about things, which are going to take care of themselves when GOD is in the picture He can take care of them for you, all you have to do is trust in Him and believe that He has it all under control.
Never give up on trusting in Him, always Pray and believe in your heart that GOD has it under control and He does know what He is doing!
So, no matter what Be of Great Courage because GOD will NOT FAIL YOU! Always, pray and be Thankful for What God does in your life, and what all you have. He will Bring you through and He will allow you to prosper, just do HIS will and Count on Him.
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