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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

In Jesus Name Prayer

Those mountains which have been standing in front of them which is causing them pain and causing other’s pain we command them to be removed in Jesus’ NameIn Jesus Name Prayer


In Jesus’ Name we come together and we agree by the promises in your word that by faith we can move mountains, and by those promises we come together and we command that the mountains of:

Disbelief, hatefulness and liars, thieves, malice, deceit bad habits, murderess thoughts, homeless jobless of non-transportation be removed from people’s lives and their hearts. Those mountains which have been standing in front of them which is causing them pain and causing other’s pain we command them to be removed in Jesus’ Name.

We believe and trust that you will remove the mountains which stand in your children’s way, Father In Jesus’ Name we trust in believe in and depend on you and your word to cast down and crumble the mountains which are coming against those people who are fighting to bring them down. In Jesus’ Name.

We command those mountains to be removed and casted out of their lives, give them jobs, homes, clothes, food, transportation, money, good health, give them love and understanding, forgiveness, peace and joy in their lives In Jesus’ Name.

Thank you Lord Jesus for removing the mountains and we give you Praise In Jesus’ Name Amen Amen!

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