Appreciate The Freedom
Appreciate The Freedom
Deuteronomy 7:22
Just look how this world is getting, our Freedom’s are being stripped slowly each day, there is so much our constitution and civil rights are being snatched all because of one person. I will not mention his name but he is the start of it and I just wanted to take that as an example.
Be “THANKFUL” for Our FREEDOMS because it’s fading away gradually…. because the World and this Country have faded away from GOD and His Grace! Pray for your Freedom as well as other’s, and Pray for the World, as soon there isn’t going to be one to pray about and we will NOT be here!
All, it has to do with is pride! Yep, pride isn’t that awful? Pride of one man has stripped America of her freedoms slowly…. just take a look at the Israelite’s and see what happens to their pride!
Just before the Israelite’s entered into the Promised Land the Lord told the Israelite’s that He would drive out the enemies before them “little by little” Deuteronomy 7:22, lest the beast of the field increase among them.
Pride is one of the beast, I think that will consume us if we get to much of our own freedom to fast.
Because Pride causes us to think we are better than another and think we don’t need anyone.
Best way to receive and gain full lasting freedom and wholeness is to be liberated in an area one at a time. In this way we can appreciate it more, and we know it’s truly from God, Himself and not as something we can make happen in our lives and our strength.
Sometimes our freedom is slow coming to areas of our lives, but remember that true progress often does happen a little at a time. Surrender all to God and He will give that FREEDOM to you and More!!!
So, get rid of the pride and start looking in the way of the Lord and He will drive out all evil among men and in the hearts of those who seriously seek Him!
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