Invasions Of Demons
Invasions Of Demons
Gal 3:1-5, 5:19
Did, you know that there are demons! Yes, there are…. now when people talk about ghosts, I laugh because the bible talks about there is no such thing as ghost’s, only demons.
I am going to do a page on “Ghost’s” and I will have it listed on the Sitemap.
The dead cannot speak, they cannot walk and they cannot eat or materialize as many say they can.
You know these ghost shows they started showing about I guess 2 yrs or so ago….they talk about seeing ghost’s and talking to them, and that they have seen them walking and talking…. I believe the Bible the Word of God, IT SAYS THERE IS NO SUCH THING!
With the ghost programs on television now I really don’t know how they can pay for shows which are so untrue, they have people believing in ghosts and spirits, even the movie stars, can you believe that?
The Bible states that the dead do not have contact with the living (Luke 16:19-31). Therefore, if one has contact with or ‘sees’ or experiences a paranormal being, you can be sure its not great aunt Mary.
Rather, it is a spirit pretending to be great aunt Mary. And this is why we are warned NOT to have contact with people who claim to contact the dead. We are actually contacting fallen angels, unclean spirits or demons. These are deceitful spirits under the control of the father of lies, satan.
The Bible explicitly forbids that we attempt contact with spirits that pretend to be spirits of the dead :
“There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord.” (Deuteronomy 18:11)
But, there is a such things as “DEMONS” the devils evil doers and evil pacifiers to do his evil deeds and corrupt the minds of good people and cause them to think evil things.
There is already so much evil in this world and without intervention from Christians praying and binding them we are in trouble and will stay in trouble.
Let’s just look at some of the “Invasion of Demons” one can experience :
- Adultery
- Boasters
- Deceivers
- Dissensions
- Divisions
- Drunkenness
- Enmity
- Envy
- Fits of anger
- Fornication
- Immoral Acts
- Immoral Marriages
- Impurity
- Idolatry
- Jealousy
- Murders
- Orgies
- Prostitutes
- Rivalries
- Sensuality
- Sexual immorality
- Sorcery
- Liars
- Thieves
- Witchcraft
These and some are just a touch of what kind of Demons, can end up in your loved one. But, there is a way to rid them of the “evil demons” and we can fight against them if we all can work together and bind them and give the devil a black eye, when he tries.
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