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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Sin Is Sin, No Matter The Sin

Sin is sin, we should never take sins we commit lightly, we know we sinned and we should immediatelySin Is Sin, No Matter The Sin

Ezra 9:1-6


In today’s world, people see a lie as a white lie, or drinking to get drunk, or stealing this or stealing that is a small sin.

Sin is sin, we should never take sins we commit lightly, we know we sinned and we should immediately acknowledge the sin and ask to be forgiven. There is no tiny, small, medium, large sin. Sin is sin, and people which think a sin is not as bad as the other, are really fooling themselves, because no matter the sin you commit is a sin just as the other.

Sin, is not ordering a small or larger drink and fry, sin is a sin, it doesn’t matter. Sin has no sizes!

We all need to be like Ezra and go to Him with true sorrow in our hearts and humility and ask Him to forgive us.

Remember, we can’t make a sin lessor or greater than another. Sin is a Sin –– no different than the next sin.

Sin, can really create a havoc inside us and if we do not come to the Lord and ask for forgiveness we will be lost in our sins. So, ask the Lord to forgive you every time you sin!

Just like Nehemiah, we are to confess our sins and failures to the Lord, and be confident that He will forgive us of those sins and the failures we have and cleanse us from them all. Our own unrighteousness just as He promised in His word . Nehemiah 1:6-7, and 1 John 1:9

When the enemy comes against you, the most powerful thing you can do is refuse to let it upset you. But, instead be like Nehemiah, in Nehemiah 4:9, intensify your prayers and increase your vigilance.

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