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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Overcome Opposition To Grace

The enemy will try to do whatever he can to tempt us, steal from us, lie on us, deceive us, especially when we are making great progress.Overcome Opposition To Grace

Ezra 4:1-9


So, you think you can do anything for God and not have opposition, Wrong! Have you read, Ezra 4:1-9 where there was 2 tribes of Judah and Benjamin, they received permission to build the Temple from Cyrus who was the King of Persia.

When the Samaritans heard about it, they ended up going to the governor, Zerubbabel, and some other leaders and people, to ask to Join in rebuilding the temple – why?

Because, they claimed to worship the same God, which they don’t, they added the God of Israel to their list of false Gods, and idols – but they got refused – so they started causing havoc. Just because they, got angry – so they were trying so hard to frustrate the Israelites plans to build the temple of the Lord.

But, the Israelites were aware of all this, and they told the Samaritans which was their longtime enemies that they would have no part in the building of the Temple to the Lord.

Just think, what is your reaction  and what should theirs be to the opposition and persecution? Jesus plainly said, we should “calm down” and “cheer up.” John 14:27, 16:33

This is a key in enjoying life of Grace, God provides and gives His people. Jesus warned us, that in this life we will have some tribulations, John 16:33. He said, that if people hated Him they will hate us. John 15:18,20

No one, can through life thinking it’s going to be all coffee and roses, peaches and cream, without encountering some kind of trouble somewhere down the road. I know my life there was and sometimes still is. Troublemakers, like they come out of the woodwork so to speak, makes us unhappy, miserable but we all should make the decision to not let the trouble-makers steal the joy ,peace, and grace God gives us.

When , we come to the Lord, we will be attacked in ways – we never have before. Many of us never understand why, they end up misunderstanding – getting frustrated and they decide to give up, and fall away.

Remember, when we come to the Lord, the evil devil will not sit behind the scenes and be quiet, he will put up a fight because he don’t want no one to go to God, and be saved he wants them to go to hell with him.

The enemy will try to do whatever he can to tempt us, steal from us, lie on us, deceive us, especially when we are making great progress.

Many, think faith to get where they want to be, and then once they get there they seem to forget about it , and end up in a dire mess– because they think using faith is just to get them out of trouble.

Purpose of Faith : It is often used to carry us through rough times, through the troubles. If, we never – ever had any troubles in our life, we sure wouldn’t need any faith.

We need God’s grace – His Overcoming Powerful Grace!!!

Ask God to continue to help you and I do everyday just about and He will!!!!


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