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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

God Promised He’s With You

God's desire , one of them is, He wants to lead us into Victory, He wants to show His undivided Love to us, He promised, He will Provide for us, He will Watch Over Us, He will Protect us, and He will always be there for us, He will make sure we are taken care ofGod Promised He’s With You

Joshua 8, tells us no matter what we go through, we can know that Our God is with us! He will never leave us us hanging.

He’s Our Captain, Our Redeemer, Our Lord God Almighty.

God’s desire , one of them is, He wants to lead us into Victory, He wants to show His undivided Love to us, He promised, He will Provide for us, He will Watch Over Us, He will Protect us, and He will always be there for us, He will make sure we are taken care of!

He wants us to know that He has assured us and we can count on Him and His Promises which He has made to us.

There are so many people who don’t care or worry about God, some have been through some awful and terrible things in their lives, and they don’t feel like they can trust God, but they can. Some people don’t even realize with all they have been through in their lives, that, they are still here and if it wasn’t for God and His Grace and Mercy and the Promises He made us, they wouldn’t be around, but they can’t trust God!

When bad things happen to us, we shouldn’t blame God, we should blame ourselves, because we are the ones who refused to listen to the warnings.

God is loving and gracious, don’t blame God for something in which you failed to do and which you failed to act upon, it’s not in His error, it’s in yours. Because, if you knew it was wrong, or you shouldn’t do it, then you knew not to, and the circumstances you can change, it’s up to you. God, allows things to happen in our lives even if He don’t approve of them, because that way we can see our way, was the wrong way. But, that doesn’t stop GOD from keeping His promises!

When, we go through situations in our lives, and circumstances we cannot change, God doesn’t leave us, He’s still there watching over us, no matter if what we are doing He approves of or not, but if we choose the wrong things or the wrong life to live, then we have to live in that life to see what we wanted wasn’t good for us at all.

God’s promises, never fade, and His Love for you never fades, it’s always there, but only you can change your circumstances, and God will help you, He will keep His promises to you, just reach down in your heart and ask Him to forgive you and to reveal to you His Promises and He will!

We can trust God, if we cannot ever trust anyone in our lives, He’s one Person we can TRUST, day in and day out month after month, year after year…. It’s up to YOU!

God tries to let us know through test’s and trials, and the way we are living if, it’s the wrong way He tries so hard to warn us, and He tries to get us where we need to be and it’s totally up to us, to change it and to receive the Promises in which He wants us to receive!

By, us not listening, we can go through some heavy things in our lives, because we are not listening to the voice we need to be listening to, we are not changing the warning in front of us, but instead we just keep on trucking down the road and some of us end up dying, because of not paying attention to what God is trying to tell us.

Please Listen to God today, and let Him help you, Because God does LOVE YOU and Always Have! Please Give GOD a Chance! You’ll Be Glad You Did!!!


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