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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Giving God The Glory

Deborah and Barak gave God the glory for all of their victory over the King of Canaan Giving God The Glory
Judges 5:1-5

Deborah and Barak gave God the glory for all of their victory over the King of Canaan. Do you give God the Glory for everything in your life!

Do you give Him the Glory for the good and the bad things which happen? We are supposed to, no matter what we go through in our lives, God gets the glory for all things!

Did, you know God uses people who will give Him the Glory, for their accomplishments? In 1 Corinthians 1:29, God will not allow a human being to boast in His presence. He will not allow us to steal His Glory, which is why He chooses to use and promote those who know they are nothing without Him.

Those who always gives Him the Glory and ALL the CREDIT for all their accomplishments and all the things which they have done in their lives.

Remember, you wouldn’t have what you have, be what you have become, you wouldn’t be alive if it, wasn’t for God. You wouldn’t have your job, your house, your cars, etc if God didn’t have something to do with you obtaining those things.

So, every-time you accomplish something in your life, DO NOT STEAL the Glory, where the Glory goes, it’s ALL GOD’S GLORY not your own! God is the one whom made it happen, and Only God!

We are to Give God the Glory every day day in and day out! After all, if it wasn’t for Him, we all sure wouldn’t be here! God Loves to be Praised – He loves His children to have all they need and want, and so many seem to forget that GOD gave them everything, and they seem to think it was them that gave it to themselves. If, it wasn’t for God and His Blessings & Grace noone would have anything, Only thru God and His Grace & Love can give us all we have….. so, STOP Thinking, you did this and you did that in all you have, because I am here to tell you WRONG!!!!!



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Dont Forget We have a Sister "Heavns-Beauty" Website also!

It also is a Prayer Website, with lots of Information on it as well. We will be Updating it soon, even though it is done in WordPress! You can go there Anytime your heart desires! If, you like Our Christian websites Let us know and Pass them along as you go along! Click Here!