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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

5 Great Works Of God

5 Great Works Of God 5 Great Works Of God
Amos 4

We all know God can do all things, we all know He can give and take away, He can recreate and destroy, He can heal and give the blind their sight.

God can do so many things that the list would be so long, and I will be working on more on the Miracle He has performed.

But, have you really sat and thought about all that He has done? All the beauty He created, the people whom He put in charge of mastering the things which we all enjoy even today?

Why, don’t you sit for a minute and “think” of all the things which you can actually think of that “He Has Done In Great Works” come on let’s do it, I can imagine the list’s that can be written down on this topic. Hey, even better why not write down your list and I can included your list’s here, so other people can really see all God can do in ones life!

5 Great Works Of God

1. Forms the Mountains
2. Creates the Wind
3. Declares to men what their thoughts are
4. Makes the Morning darkness
5. Treads upon High Places of the Earth



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Dont Forget We have a Sister "Heavns-Beauty" Website also!

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