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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

5 Kinds of Words

Words, can hurt people if we do not say them with love, they can actually kill someone and their spirit.5 Kinds of Words

Proverbs 25:11-15

You know that there are words we can say and they can be nice comforting words or they can be hurtful and hateful words. The saying “Words can Kill” we all should know this saying. But, do you know there are 5 Kind Words in which we should use and say all the time?

I have experienced this most of my life, and I am here to tell you the hurtful and hateful things which have been told to me, kills my spirit. The hate which is in someone’s words are from the pits of hell, from the bottom of the gutt. When we voice our hurt and we don’t be careful of what we say and how, that’s is how we can really hurt someone and those words can stop someone from turning to Jesus Christ.

We are to be calm in our words, be loving and kind soft spoken…..Words, can hurt people if we do not say them with love, they can actually kill someone and their spirit. So I have gathered these 5 Words of Kindness for you, they are from the Bible and they can be found in Proverbs.

5 Kinds of Words

1. Appropriate Words –  Words that come naturally that run smoothly upon wheels, that are not forced. Ones that are without design to hurt, are like apples of Gold upon the carving of silver. Proverbs 25:11

2.  Reproving Words – Words of a Wise reproves to an obedient ear are like the most beautiful and cherished ornaments of fine gold to a refined and beautiful woman. Proverbs 25:12

3.  Refreshing Words – Words of a Faithful messenger are as refreshing and satisfying as a drink cooled by the snow in the heat of the Harvest labor. Proverbs 25:13

4.  Vain Words – Words of the boaster are as disappointing as clouds without rain. Proverbs 25:14

5.  Kindness of Words – By Words of Kindness, understanding and longsuffering a judge is persuaded, as easily as a soft answer over comes obstinacy in others. Proverbs 25:15


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