5 Steps on How To Not Fail
5 Steps on How To Not Fail
Through the years, I have messed up so much in my life time, not taking heed, etc. Although , us kids were brought up in a Christian home. My mother and Dad are and was Awesome parents.
They done everything they knew how to do to bring us up as God wanted them to. I had a Brother which He died several years ago, and there are two more sisters. We lost our dad a few years back.
But, when I was growing up I was the baby and spoiled I guess you can say, I didn’t know really how to do allot of things, and really didn’t understand the bible and what certain verses meant.
But, through my own decisions I thought I knew what was best for me and none else did. But, as I grew up and made so many mistakes in my life, I always seemed to have done something wrong, and didn’t know how to listen to God, and I was hanging around the wrong type of friends to, not many but a few.
I wanted to do right, and and love people, and do things for people and I loved putting a smile of other’s faces, that was a joy all to itself. I have failed at so much in my life, I actually began, telling myself I am stupid, and a failure, times I would actually believe it, especially with 2 real bad marriages, and one good one, and now an awesome one.
I always seemed to fail God, and satan was always telling me you are not going to heaven, always brought up my sins in my face, and clouded my mind and heart so much there was no way I could listen to God if He was talking to me. Satan is a conniving inconsiderate, evil, cruel, liar . He almost made me to believe, that God & Jesus was through with me.
LIE LIE LIE! If, God & Jesus was through with me because I made some terrible and shameful mistakes in my life, and always made the wrong decisions then why Has God always been in My Heart, and Jesus always been by my side through dangerous things which I was going through my life, getting run over on the road the interstate, by two 18-wheelers, and raped, and beaten up many times and not counting what other things I have been through.
I could go on and on, really, but then you wouldn’t get to the 5 Steps on How Not to Fail. So, here we go! If, you feel like you have failed God, Jesus and other’s in your life please read these 5 Steps on How Not to Fail.
5 Steps on How To Not Fail !
1. Pull up the weeds in your life, get out the clutter, be sure you are not harboring sin in your heart. Be strong and and stop feeling bitter, and harboring immorality, being unforgiving, feeling resentment, and unforgiveness, because this will give “satan” foothold on your life to defeat you. Reference Verse: Psalms 66:18
2. Follow the Bible and what it tells you, this is Our Instruction on how to live a good life and live it abundantly. God provided it, so we can live with Him all eternity, without fearing of going to hell. Don’t be impatient, stand firm and steadfast, and God will Take care of you! Reference Verse: Joshua 1:7-9
3. Do you or did you ever have a goal or dream, and desire in your heart you wanted to fill and wanting to accomplish in your life? God, wants you to be prosperous, He wants you to have all your heart desires. He wants to work through you to work through other’s. Your Dreams because where there is no dream people perish they get no-where. Reference Verse: Proverbs 29:18
4. Be persistent, when you are desiring your dream, and trust in God and have faith in Him. He wants you to fulfill your goals and dreams, but you have to stay within His word and His trust, and faith. I had a vision right where I was sitting at my desk several years ago, and I was awake just as I am now, the vision was really scary but it was letting me know someone close to me was going to die. Reference Verse Exodus 14
5. As you act on your “Dreams & Visions” trust in God’s strength and ask for strength and will power to go for your dream & vision which He placed inside of you. Ask, Him to guide you and give you grace and to hold you in His Loving Arms. Reference Verse: Hebrews 13:8
I was working on an adsheet I was publishing in Mendenhall Ms and all the sudden, out of the clear blue sky here is this vision, of me myself laying in a casket, I was wearing a beautiful white dress, I was holding a red rose in my hands, and I had my long hair draped around my shoulder and laying on the right should in front. My mother, and my husband was standing on the side of the casket, and my mother said ” She has always been so beautiful” then my husband said ” Yes she sure is and always was.” My mother was crying and my husband was just standing there looking at me.
And what was so odd, it was me and I seen myself in the casket, plain as day, and my husband and mother. And, I after the vision went away, I was scared, that it was me which was going to die, but it was my husbands wedding anniversary, and he took me riding and I decided to tell him what I had a vision a week prior. I started crying, and I got to thinking well, when am I to die? I got scared the more I thought about it, but my husband said to me ” baby, everyone is going to die someday, and I am going to die, don’t worry it will be ok.” Well, it has been since 13 years ago, and I am still here.
But, 2 weeks after my vision, my ex-husband’s father died. So, I believe God was telling me that it was someone else, and not me. But a few years after that, my ex-husband fell to the floor with a heart attack. So, no matter what your visions are or what you dream, there is always a meaning, but Go towards your dream and take it carefully, as God is going to use you in a miraculous way.