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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

6 Characteristics of A Useable Christian

6 Characteristics of A Useable Christian 6 Characteristics of A Useable Christian

Acts 11:29-30

Paul took some time to remind the Corinthian believers of what he was like when he preached the gospel message. This was to remind them that the impact that was made was not based on him, but on God empowering His Word to change the hearts of people.

Paul reminded the Corinthians that he did not come to them as a great speaker with great philosophic ideas, he simply came proclaiming God’s Word. We need to know that it is not a requirement to be a great public speaker to be a mouthpiece for God, we just need to proclaim what God said.

Paul did not claim to be a great philosopher or to be brilliant in all areas of life. What he knew was that Jesus Christ provided a payment for man’s sin. We do not need to be brilliant at math or science or history to be used of God. We need to know and proclaim the Gospel and the rest of God’s Word. Those are the things that will change people.

Paul came into Corinth beat up and alone. He was probably not himself. He certainly would not have been the picture of confidence let alone arrogance. When we are weak we are less likely to operate in self and then we become much more usable in the hands of God.

Paul likely abandoned the technique he used in Athens trying to use pagan philosophy and the wisdom of met to presentation the Gospel. He went into Corinth empty and if God did not show up then Paul’s message would go unheard, but God did show up and the foundation laid for the church at Corinth was based on God’s power. We need to resist the temptation to make Christianity sound more intelligent or sophisticated. It is a simple message that man is broken and in need of a Savior. Simple, but powerful.

Paul knew that some would not understand the message that he shared. Those who do not see the brokenness in mankind and think that we are the solution and not the problem will not see the need of rescue. We must understand that the wisdom of the world runs counter to that of God. Some level of spiritual maturity is required to understand what God is doing and that requires tutelage from the Holy Spirit.

Paul knew that those who were hard of heart would not receive the Gospel message. We must understand that the results of sharing God’s message are not within our control. We must faithfully share the message He has given us and leave the rest in His hands. The popularity of a message does not determine its truthfulness.


Reference in Acts

 Important Meaning


nstained by our Culture. (11:19-20, 22, 26)

At Antioch the believers were first called Christians, the Christ-ones. There are some distinctions of a church that must be kept intact. We bear the name of our Savior.


tretched to our Limits. (11:19; 12:1-3)

From a close look at the early church, we see clearly that struggle, rejection, criticism, and even death for believers was the norm.


dhering to the Savior. (11:21, 23, 26)

Barnabas encouraged the believers to make a serious, solid attachment to Christ and Christ alone.


old in our Witness. (11:19-21, 24)

This church spoke, told, and preached the Good News. People believed and turned to the Lord.


iberal in our Giving. (11:22, 24, 27-30)

The Antioch church gave. They were unselfish, other-centered, and giving oriented, even to a culturally and racially different congregation.


quipped in the Scriptures. (11:23, 26)

This church was taught. The picture here is of classrooms, courses, study, memorization . . . work. Before Antioch became a sending place it was a studying place. We have the picture of an equipping church and an equipped people. No wonder they changed the world.



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