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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

10 Blessings Of Romans

10 Blessings Of Romans10 Blessings Of Romans

As you can see through out this website, there is many blessings which were in the Bible Days, and they count for us today!

I have listed “10 Blessings Of Romans” below and they also, have the Reference Verses for you to use.

There is so much a person can learn in the Bible if they read it and focus on what it says things that we today can claim, if we just do it.

So, many heartaches and turmoil going on and we can limit it by focusing on God’s Word, and doing what it say. I pray this helps you and guides you into better focus of what some of our Blessings are even in today’s world!


“10 Blessings Of Romans”



1. Justification                          Romans 5:1,9
2. Peace With God                    Romans 5:1
3. Access by Faith Into Grace     Romans 5:2
4. Standing In Grace                 Romans 5:2
5. Joy In God                           Romans 5:2-3,11
6. Grace In Tribulation              Romans 5:3-5
7. Love of God In The Heart      Romans 5:5
8. The Holy Ghost                    Romans 5:5
9. Salvation from Wrath            Romans 5:9-10
10.Reconciliation by The Blood  Romans 5:10-11



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