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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

10 Facts About The Evils of Deceit In The Bible

"a web of deceit" deception, deceitfulness, duplicity, double-dealing, fraud, cheating, trickery, chicanery, deviousness, slyness, wiliness, guile, bluff, lying, pretense, treachery

 10 Facts About The Evils of Deceit In The Bible
Again, you May think I have lost my marbles and added the same page twice, but I didn’t, I was wondering that to, when I realized that they have different verses, and scripture to pertain to different types of “Deceit.”

The Deceitful will use all sorts of Tools to deceive someone, they will use all manners of deceit they have to get their way or to fool you. I have listed those below!

Deceit- Means the action or practice of deceiving someone by concealing or misrepresenting the truth. Ways of the Evil “Deceit” that there is are examples here:


10 Facts About The Evils of Deceit

1. Hinders Knowledge of God_________________Jeremiah 9:6
2. Keeps men From God _____________________Jeremiah 8:5
3. Leads To Pride and Sin ____________________Jeremiah 5:27-28
4. Leads To Lying __________________________Proverbs 14:25
5. Causes Fraud and Injustice _________________Psalms 10:7, 43:1
6. Conceals Hate ___________________________Proverbs 26:24-26
7. Conceives Evil Plans ______________________Psalms 50:19
8. Encourages Sin __________________________Proverbs 20:17
9. Defiles the Soul __________________________Mark 7:22
10.Causes Hardening in Sin ___________________
Hebrews 3:13



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