10 Facts About Deceitful Tools
10 Facts About Deceitful Tools of The Wicked In The Bible
The Deceitful will use all sorts of Tools to deceive someone, they will use all manners of deceit they have to get their way or to fool you. I have listed those below!
Deceit- Means the action or practice of deceiving someone by concealing or misrepresenting the truth. Such as the following acts of the deceitful and the wicked are; “a web of deceit” deception, deceitfulness, duplicity, double-dealing, fraud, cheating, trickery, chicanery, deviousness, slyness, wiliness, guile, bluff, lying, pretense, treachery.
10 Facts About Deceitful Tools of The Wicked In The Bible
1. Wicked Are Full of It _____________________Romans 1:29
2. Devise it ______________________________Job 15:35, Psalms 35:20, 38:12
3. Utter it _______________________________Psalms 10:7, 36:3
4. Work At It ____________________________Proverbs 11:18
5. Increase In It __________________________2 Timothy 3:13
6. Use It in Each Other _____________________Jeremiah 9:5
7. Use It On Themselves ___________________Jeremiah 37:9
8. Delight In It ___________________________Proverbs 20:17
9. Impose On Others By It __________________Romans 16:18
10.Spoil Themselves With It _________________2 Peter 2:13
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